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Are the Tories trying to lose the election?

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Corbyn is level headed and calm under pressure .


May has to have a select group of people who share her views careful staged events theirs no danger of an unexpected question that she will struggle to answer.


The Brexit meetings are not staged events anything can happen Merkel is the one to watch and will fight her corner, she soon followed May to the White House no doubt her suitcase had generous trade deals.


Corbyn has dealed with people who would not think twice about killing you he understands what is said can have an impact. He copes with pressure well his part in getting peace in Northern Ireland is no small thing without that peace many more people would have died. I doubt the Irish are amused by the press dragging up the ' troubles' which many want to move on and not be reminded all the time . I don't always agree with him but he can remain claim under fire a sort of person who can sit at the negotiating table even if things get intense. May's mantra of no deal is a better than a bad deal not going to wash with the EU leaders.

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Corbyn may well be as you say but in my opinion he will get a deal that will be exactly as it is now or the difference would be negligible, we would still ,pay billions, still,have free movement and the ECJ and be out in name only.This is not what I and millions voted for so as May says I will put aside tribal politics and vote for her.

If he had stuck to his political anti EU beliefs last year in the referendum then I may have trusted him but he did not he changed his views so he is as bad if not worse than May.

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Batley and spen was never going to happen, wrong demographics, they stand as a matter of course like labour do in real pro Tory areas. She said a stupid thing and obviously you or I have never said an inappropriate comment.


When I was an outreach worker I used to get referrals for my unemployed clients struggling to make ends meet, using food banks etc. I would visit their home and wonder how these people had better TVs game consoles etc than me yet pleaded poverty and 95 per cent of them smoked. So from personal experience I can relate to Mark Pritchard.


Boris may have said these things and I will leave him to defend himself just like I will leave the Labour Party to justify its anti semmitism.


Corbyn is a good negotiator because he has negotiated what. May has at least negotiated with the EU when she was Home Secretary.


Halibut I refer you to my earlier comment about the poor, they may genuinely be some really desperate ones but those that I met had the best of everything and smoked/drank whilst pleading poverty.


You will never solve the Arab wars, they cannot even get on with each other and they are the same religion. And of course we never sold any weapons to the Saudis under labour did we??.


Did not know about the conservative councillor but he is not likely to be PM and dictate govt policy. Corbyn leaves a bad taste in the mouths of military that served against these groups. He has dubious views on Gib and the falklands where even the populations want to stay British.


The EU will demand free movement for access to the market, May knows that is the one thing she cannot concede so she will walk, just my opinion.


Still cannot vote for Labour, could possibly for Corbyn but not whilst he has Abbott and co in positions of power. I think May will win and then possibly a new party will emerge that I can vote for.


---------- Post added 02-06-2017 at 18:13 ----------


Just read about the garden tax from labour hidden in the small print. Apparently will replace rates and be an increase of 224% on rates,something to look forward to.


Garden tax?







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Sorry my mistake read it on the horticultural week. Do not know how to do this link thing using iPad,just put in garden tax ( land value tax) horticultural week and it comes straight up.3% of land value to,be paid yearly, not sure what if any political links the horticultural week has so do not know if they are pro or anti Corbyn. They do however use figures from the tories so I suppose you will say they are biased or its propaganda.

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Sorry my mistake read it on the horticultural week. Do not know how to do this link thing using iPad,just put in garden tax ( land value tax) horticultural week and it comes straight up.3% of land value to,be paid yearly, not sure what if any political links the horticultural week has so do not know if they are pro or anti Corbyn. They do however use figures from the tories so I suppose you will say they are biased or its propaganda.


The 3% value is not in the manifesto is it?

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It says under proposals the new tax would be a levy of 3% on land value so without reading through the manifesto I cannot say. Again I assume that if it was not 3% then labour would have come out screaming. Read the article and see what you think.


---------- Post added 02-06-2017 at 19:23 ----------


The link from retep appears to explain it.

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It says under proposals the new tax would be a levy of 3% on land value so without reading through the manifesto I cannot say. Again I assume that if it was not 3% then labour would have come out screaming. Read the article and see what you think.


---------- Post added 02-06-2017 at 19:23 ----------


The link from retep appears to explain it.


points awarded to 1st poster saying its anti labour propaganda

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