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The French President

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We'll swap you for Boris Johnson! :)


Well, I'm impressed with how Macron is handling himself with other world leaders, specifically Trump and Putin...


The Tories could ask Nick Clegg if he will transfer for £25 million, like footballers do.

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  • 7 months later...
A bit odd, too, marrying someone old enough to be one's mother.


I always think that when I see them together. She is looking more and more like his mother. Especially with the wig she wears.


It does sound a bit creepy. imagine going to work and leaving your 17 year old son at home and then find our the old lady next door has been sneaking in for sex sessions.


If she had been his teacher she would have been arrested... in this country anyway. And imagine the fuss if it had been a 17 year old girl... and say the man was a Republican Trump supporter... :suspect::help:

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I'd rather have Putin than Macron he's more of a man.


Seeing 60 odd yr old Putin submerging himself into a frozen lake the other day, I think he's over compensating for something.


Although if what you're looking for in a leader is the ability to seriously hurt your countries political enemies, then I'd say he's your man. You don't get to the top of the KGB by pen pushing & while Putin has never been linked to any assassinations, there are strong suggestions of his involvements.


---------- Post added 21-01-2018 at 21:44 ----------


Anyone else impressed with the interview President Macron gave on the Andrew Marr show today.


He spoke so articulately and appears to be a politician with sincere principles.

Definitely worth a look later if you missed it.




A French version of Blair. All show & no substance & not that popular at home.







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He's also getting the reputation of a gorgeous hunk by weak kneed liberals. That says more about the usual hideous sight of most male politicians though.


Oh and then there's the Canadian bloke who has them swooning, because he's not ugly.


Come on Ladies stop being so shallow.

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He's also getting the reputation of a gorgeous hunk by weak kneed liberals. That says more about the usual hideous sight of most male politicians though.


Oh and then there's the Canadian bloke who has them swooning, because he's not ugly.


Come on Ladies stop being so shallow.




This is why women should not be allowed to vote

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