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Major Incident On London Bridge 03/06/2017

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I find the reaction of the media and politicians interesting. They are working to a set routine.

1. Organise a Vigil

2. Organise a show of unity.

3. Memorial service.

4. Big pile of flowers, balloons, weeping spectators.

5. Quotes about hate beating love,

6. Say these men won't divide us.

7. Never forget to mention Jo Cox and "right-wing terrorism".

8. And most importantly and insidiously, play up the ordinary and the normal. Traffic is moving freely. How "uplifting" it is to see ordinary people just going about their business (Louise Minchin on BBC the other week). Basically, say how wonderful it is that nobody has gotten angry (and never show angry lots of people are about the outrage). This is a subtle way of trying to normalise the unjustifiable - that people have just been murdered in a terrorist incident, again.


The media move heaven and earth to suppress public anger as much as possible and promote a narrative about how to react after a terrorist attack - namely, do nothing.


OK, but there is a note of worry creeping in now. The BBC are trying to mention "soft targets" and how impossible it is to stop attacks on these. But Sky for the first time have mentioned that some members of the public are wanting a "more robust response".


I wonder what the governments response will actually be, assuming there is one.


Can I add to that list "Fight back"?


It's been a while, long while, since I was on the town with my mates on a Saturday night but if three blokes with knifes and barged in trying to stab people I'm not sure, certainly full of beer and youthful bravado, I'd have run away. I'd have thought if this was tried at any pub near a football ground on match day there would have been a more determined response. There seemed to be a whole bunch of people ready to talk to journalists and/or film on their phone but bar one bloke I saw on BBC , not many prepared to fight back.

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Can I add to that list "Fight back"?


It's been a while, long while, since I was on the town with my mates on a Saturday night but if three blokes with knifes and barged in trying to stab people I'm not sure, certainly full of beer and youthful bravado, I'd have run away. I'd have thought if this was tried at any pub near a football ground on match day there would have been a more determined response. There seemed to be a whole bunch of people ready to talk to journalists and/or film on their phone but bar one bloke I saw on BBC , not many prepared to fight back.

thing with that is


A:- people dont know whats going on (thats why history shows us those that do are normally ex / serving off duty police and soldiers) as they tend to know whats going on quicker and know what to do and how to do it quicker.


B: theres a risk, more fatalities will happen, ie:- you

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hard to fight back against well trained killers fresh back from a murder spree in Syria or Iraq.


Three people ( glad you've got the knowledge they well trained - I can't wait to read the link you'll no doubt provide) against a pub full?


Let's put it this way, this will likely happen again, rather soon because they know they can kill people with something they can buy in Poundland and everyone will watch until the police arrive.

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This EVIL can only be defeated by Evil . Pussyfooting about will only end up with more innocent lives being lost . RIP to all the people who have lost their lives they can no longer carry on as NORMAL . While the ISIS supporters rejoice in our country .

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as soon as we start not treating people as humans we sink to their level, surely as civilised people we need to stay higher up the evolutionary scale?

I know it can be a bitter pill to taste but surely we dont want to sink to their depths?


sure treat people as they would treat you

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as soon as we start not treating people as humans we sink to their level, surely as civilised people we need to stay higher up the evolutionary scale?

I know it can be a bitter pill to taste but surely we dont want to sink to their depths?


Mel if it is the only way to stop this then I am sorry it must be done. The HRA was not created to protect terrorists but that is exactly what it is doing. If they don't kill themselves then they know they are going to prison where they can spread their hatred, I cannot recall reading or hearing about any of these people who have been put in prison killing themselves, they only want to die when they are in the process of killing innocent people. .

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That fight back thing is different in the real world, even a trained fighter who has been involved in some of the most violent fights can quickly be toppled by his own fight flight response if he is confronted by massive amounts of aggression.

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Its very difficult to fight or even negotiate with people who have no demands.


They have no regards for their own life because they believe they are going to a better place. So you have to consider what is important to them.


Mexican drug cartels control people by saying that they will kill the families of people who betray them. Im not saying that we should kill the relatives of these extremists but maybe they should be held accountable for their actions.


Another solution would be for the general public to start boycotting. The Anti-Apartheid Movement was a British organization that was at the centre of the international movement opposing South Africa's system of apartheid.


If the government will not start putting sanctions on the Saudi's then maybe citizens and companies can. But they have what we need....oil. Cut off the Saudis and the price of petrol will sky rocket.


We could make Sharia law illegal. Ban Sharia courts and councils. Not turn a blind eye to cultural practices that are against our principle and sometimes against the law.


The majority of the muslim community are good people but it only takes a few bad apples to destroy that trust. The tolerance is wearing thin and innocent communities are going to suffer.


These are just ideas.....thinking outside of the box because that what we need to do now.

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That fight back thing is different in the real world, even a trained fighter who has been involved in some of the most violent fights can quickly be toppled by his own fight flight response if he is confronted by massive amounts of aggression.


I'd agree. But as it stands we've got a bunch of not too bright terrorists ("hey guys, where's the best place to go on a stabbing rampage?""Central London at night, the traffic will be quieter and all the police will be in bed") and a populace that are really victims waiting to happen or the security services.


Let's put it this way, if it happened at, god forbid, a coastal resort for example, the response time of the police would be much much greater with less trained armed police.

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