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Major Incident On London Bridge 03/06/2017

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never said I was feeling hateful but if you are feeling happy about all this then maybe you should take your own advice

NO, we said youre hateful, sigh, its like talking to a brickwall


---------- Post added 04-06-2017 at 20:28 ----------


i thought we had been doing that for years, talking and giving money. It does not seem to be working

talking to and giving money to? who? where? for what? and how?

seems you missed my point

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She used it to promote policy. She didn't have to do that. She could have just made a reserved statement. Given the circumstances Corbyns response was fair.


---------- Post added 04-06-2017 at 20:22 ----------



Of course.


So the correct thing to do was to cut back police numbers?




if she had made the speech at a tory meeting surrounded by her supporters and with tory flags and slogans all around her ,then maybe you could've had a point . but she didn't and Corbyn did , but seeing as he is the messiah he can do no wrong

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Yes just spotted that.


His criticisms are correct though aren't they.


May as Home Secretary slashed policing, and presided over a fall in the number of armed officers...


We're less safe now due in part to Theresa May. It's the truth.


Its not the truth and only what you want to believe. We are less safe today mainly because of a Labour Prime-minister that took us to war unnecessarily.


Corbyn's criticisms may be partly correct in that police numbers may have fallen but do you honestly think that this attack could have been stopped if more police were available? Its patently obvious that having more police would not have stopped these one-off attacks as that's the nature of terror. Notice also that these perpetrators were also shot by armed police so any reduction in numbers didn't make a difference there.

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Yes just spotted that.


His criticisms are correct though aren't they.


May as Home Secretary slashed policing, and presided over a fall in the number of armed officers.


She was repeatedly warned about the problems that could result. Those warning have come true. And now the best she can offer is some wishy washy wrong-headed attempt to control the internet.


---------- Post added 04-06-2017 at 20:00 ----------



So what. We're less safe now due in part to Theresa May. It's the truth.


Will you get into your head that there is very little extra police would have done to prevent this tragic incident. It was three men in a white van driving along a public road. All the extra bobbies on the beat would have been very unlikely to have stopped a perfectly normal looking vehicle on a public highway suddenly veering off and slamming into people.


From current news reports the perpetrators were not known to any intelligence services and again all the bobbies on the beat would not have changed the fact that they were not expecting any attack. They would have had no reason whatsoever to stop this vehicle involved nor would there be any guarantee that they would be patrolling around through Borough Market at the exact moment of the knife attacks


The police responded and shot dead all the perpetrators within eight minutes of the incident. that to me shows they were doing exactly what they were trained to do and in an absolutely rapid time frame.


I am not saying that there should'nt be more police numbers but I'm also smart enough to know that cost money. A damn sight more money then Corbyn and mathematical genius Abbott seem to think in their fantasy land. That topic is clearly for a whole different thread and has absolutely sod all to do with this tragic incident.


To seriously try and make the point that this whole thing could have been avoided by more police on the street is absolutely deluded. As for feeling more unsafe well that's a matter for you I certainly don't. I don't know how many more times I have to say this terrorism is not a new story.


Personally I think Theresa May has a good point. Anonymous communication lines all over the Internet have created secretive areas where these things can be designed plotted and even carried out from the click of a mouse and the use of a mobile phone.


That is something that wasn't existing 30 or even 15 years ago.


You have your points that you seem to push on others as facts but what about a different view. How about thinking that policing may have totally evolved from the days of gentleman burglars breaking a window and stealing a telly to very sophisticated networks of crime communicating and operating from all over the world. To tackle such crime has evolved a lot more than just bobbies walking around the streets.

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Its not the truth and only what you want to believe. We are less safe today mainly because of a Labour Prime-minister that took us to war unnecessarily.


Corbyn's criticisms may be partly correct in that police numbers may have fallen but do you honestly think that this attack could have been stopped if more police were available? Its patently obvious that having more police would not have stopped these one-off attacks as that's the nature of terror. Notice also that these perpetrators were also shot by armed police so any reduction in numbers didn't make a difference there.


stop it ,with the sensible post .


---------- Post added 04-06-2017 at 20:43 ----------


Will you get into your head that there is very little extra police would have done to prevent this tragic incident. It was three men in a white van driving along a public road. All the extra bobbies on the beat would have been very unlikely to have stopped a perfectly normal looking vehicle on a public highway suddenly veering off and slamming into people.


From current news reports the perpetrators were not known to any intelligence services and again all the bobbies on the beat would not have changed the fact that they were not expecting any attack. They would have had no reason whatsoever to stop this vehicle involved nor would there be any guarantee that they would be patrolling around through Borough Market at the exact moment of the knife attacks


The police responded and shot dead all the perpetrators within eight minutes of the incident. that to me shows they were doing exactly what they were trained to do and in an absolutely rapid time frame.


I am not saying that there should'nt be more police numbers but I'm also smart enough to know that cost money. A damn sight more money then Corbyn and mathematical genius Abbott seem to think in their fantasy land. That topic is clearly for a whole different thread and has absolutely sod all to do with this tragic incident.


To seriously try and make the point that this whole thing could have been avoided by more police on the street is absolutely deluded. As for feeling more unsafe well that's a matter for you I certainly don't. I don't know how many more times I have to say this terrorism is not a new story.


Personally I think Theresa May has a good point. Anonymous communication lines all over the Internet have created secretive areas where these things can be designed plotted and even carried out from the click of a mouse and the use of a mobile phone.


That is something that wasn't existing 30 or even 15 years ago.


You have your points that you seem to push on others as facts but what about a different view. How about thinking that policing may have totally evolved from the days of gentleman burglars breaking a window and stealing a telly to very sophisticated networks of crime communicating and operating from all over the world. To tackle such crime has evolved a lot more than just bobbies walking around the streets.


and another

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Its not the truth and only what you want to believe. We are less safe today mainly because of a Labour Prime-minister that took us to war unnecessarily.


Corbyn's criticisms may be partly correct in that police numbers may have fallen but do you honestly think that this attack could have been stopped if more police were available? Its patently obvious that having more police would not have stopped these one-off attacks as that's the nature of terror. Notice also that these perpetrators were also shot by armed police so any reduction in numbers didn't make a difference there.

nope, its not about police numbers, its a battle on the internet, and we are losing it

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NO, we said youre hateful, sigh, its like talking to a brickwall


---------- Post added 04-06-2017 at 20:28 ----------


talking to and giving money to? who? where? for what? and how?

seems you missed my point


sorry I didn't know you were medically qualified to diagnose

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this has absolutely nothing to do with other knife crime, it was a major terrorist incident


If you haven't got anything sensible to say, log off and pull the plug out.


All you seem to want to do is throw stones at anyone/everyone who has an opinion that differs from yours.

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