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Major Incident On London Bridge 03/06/2017

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The actions in Syria were mainly by the USA and backed by us with support of the RAF. Its a totally different scenario to that of the Iraq war and with little involvement by the UK. But before any involvement by us in Syria terrorist acts inspired by ISIS still took place. ISIS gained ground mainly because of the consequences of the Iraq war.




Again to paraphrase a quote.. "Well they would say that wouldn't they." There is absolutely no proof that that is the case.


So there is no way that our involvement in Syria could have provoked any of this. I think you are wrong. Actually very wrong about that.


Simple question. Do you want more cuts to policing and do you agree with the cuts already made?

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All that dosnt change the fact he is right about political correctness .


How has political correctness caused the recent outbreaks of terrorism in this country. I won't even pin you down to specifics, just a few vague ideas that amount to more than "it's because of political correctness"?

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No, I'm not saying that.


I'm saying that I'm shocked that given recent events a major railway terminus next to the Shard, and in a vibrant area of London did not have an armed police presence on a busy Saturday night.


It's an obvious target


This is terrorism so there is no obvious target as that is how it operates.

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So there is no way that our involvement in Syria could have provoked any of this. I think you are wrong. Actually very wrong about that.


Simple question. Do you want more cuts to policing and do you agree with the cuts already made?


oooooooo, thats a good one :thumbsup:

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I wonder how many beat cops were closer to he incident than the armed response team. In an area like that with so many people wandering around, there had to be a cop or two around. Of course they would have been unarmed and unable to achieve much in terms of protecting the victims. Britain is the only major country where police officers don't carry sidearms. In today's world that is just plain silly.

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So there is no way that our involvement in Syria could have provoked any of this. I think you are wrong. Actually very wrong about that.


As pointed out already attacks inspired by ISIS took place before any involvement by us in Syria. This all goes back to the direct consequences of the wars in Iraq and the failure of having no plan for the after affects.

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I would like to know where our resident policing strategy experts would have deployed armed units around London last night, given the numbers of armed officers there is. Hindsight really is a wonderful thing, oh and to have more police on the streets eh Mr Corbyn. I wouldn't mind but it's your average Jezza supporting plum that complains about police state at every opportunity and hates that baton crack round the head when the police are allowed to react.

The left don't like the idea of hard law and order, they don't want our police armed generally and they certainly don't like the thought of our police getting heavy handed within sensitive communities, it would be so not pc !

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Isis and the Taliban use Pakistan as a bolt hole ,what is that Country doing to stop them?
This is what the Pakistan is doing to stop it. From Major Ukbah Malik of PA at RMA Sandhurst.



---------- Post added 04-06-2017 at 21:44 ----------


cant seem to find the article on google.
I have graduated. Here is the link.



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As pointed out already attacks inspired by ISIS took place before any involvement by us in Syria. This all goes back to the direct consequences of the wars in Iraq and the failure of having no plan for the after affects.


So you don't think our attacks on Syria have anything at all to do with this?


Remind us how May voted on Iraq.

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