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Most economical way to drive a car?

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In my yoot, I used to freewheel my car down hills...Seemed logical to me, as the rev's would be at tick-over speed.


Also, in the days before steering locks, I'd turn the engine off completely if it was a big hill, and just put it in the appropriate gear and 'bump' start it towards the bottom of the hill.


Yep I wouldn't recommend it these day's as effectively you're not in full control of the vehicle...


These days you'd also bu**er up your catalytic converter with the unburnt fuel going through it when you "bumped" it..

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These days you'd also bu**er up your catalytic converter with the unburnt fuel going through it when you "bumped" it..


Hahaha....I did say in my yoot...and that was long before catalytic converters and gizmo's like that...I'm talking Austin A40....(I believe has the claim to fame of being pretty much the first hatchback)



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If I'm sat in traffic my car uses so little fuel it changes to a figure of gallons per hour. if I'm moving slowly, i.e. 5-9 mph in first gear, foot off the accelerator so it's on tickover, the mpg drops to around 10-12 mpg.

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A bit off topic, but this could interest those who do very little mileage. A chap in his 60's near me has a mobility scooter. I asked him what was his disability and he replied that he had no disability! He'd had a car and was rarely going more than a few miles, often just the little way into town for the shops. He thought of the scooter idea and got one, selling off the car. He's saving on Tax, insurance, MoT etc., and with the great savings he can well afford taxis, trains or public transport if he needed to go further afield. He lives on his own, so for him it's been a good decision.

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So my new car (new to me) has one of the gadgets that tells you how many miles worth of petrol you have left, and it changes as the way you drive your car, but sometimes i think its a bit crazy, when i am in town traffic it actually says i have more milage than when on a steady road, are they just a rubbish gimmick?

My thought's on getting the best milage out of a gallon of petrol is to get it in top gear as quick as possible, and to drive as slow as possible in the top gear without labouring the engine is that about right?


I would say drive in the highest gear you can for the speed you are doing, which is kind of what you said, but from a different angle.

I try and look ahead and not come to a complete halt in traffic if I don't have to. I think that comes from trying to conserve energy when cycling, it takes more effort to get going again once you've stopped!

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