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Should there be a ban on buying more than one property

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Guest makapaka
How is selling off social housing creating less housing?


There are the same number of houses, unless people bought them and demolished them :confused:




I'm joshing... so let's move on...


Since the Torys sold it all off, can you provide figures to how many social housing properties were sold off in the last Labour government and how many they built to replace them? ;)


The horse bolted long ago with selling off social housing. It was 25-30 years ago under thatcher.

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Because there's a massive shortfall in available property meaning the price is driven up and people can't afford to buy a home.


Therefore some people have a home to live in and make money on owning other homes which they don't live in.


It's not about being penalised or like China.


There's probably not a lot you can do about existing landlords (rightly probably) but you can make it harder for people going forward so people can buy their own home.


I know it's not about penalising now, but it's what the OP wants . i.e. a penalty on 2nd properties or a law against them , which is even dafter. Personally I rent out of choice and no longer own property, I prefer to keep my money invested and pay someone else to have all the headaches of property ownership etc. Of course I am retired and I do realise it is different over there as there are few large rental companies. I have grown up kids living in Sheffield and am aware what is going on.

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Isn't it Zopa that just closed to new subscribers?


Yes, are they running a queue or something.


It's not closed forever though, and someone thinking of investing a significant amount and consider BTL can presumably wait more than a few days.


---------- Post added 09-06-2017 at 07:26 ----------


What a silly thread, why on earth should people be penalised for owning more than one property, especially in a democratic society? It sounds like China's law that orders married couples to only have one kid. lol


They're already penalised in various ways, like the 3% SDLT that is charged for buying it.

And why, well because we have a house price bubble problem, a house price affordability problem and a buying your first house crisis amongst the young.


---------- Post added 09-06-2017 at 07:27 ----------


so I don't get what you are saying you want landlords just to give their properties up, who is going to buy them if they did where are the people who can not get a mortgage then live.


Nobody said anything about giving up houses.

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  • 11 months later...

Love this response to an article in the telegraph about the government initiative to kill off buy to let.


"We buy-to-let landlords are business entrepreneurs in the economy, creating huge amounts of wealth by investing in property by highly leveraged borrowing on interest-only mortgages, and then enjoying capital gains from the relentless house price inflation that benefits the economy so much. Now Osbourne's dreadful Section 24 stops us getting full tax relief on our mortgage interest payments and means that we actually have to pay income tax on some of our rental income!




The government should take urgent action. There should be an immediate increase in tax subsidies for buy-to-let landlords: restoration of full tax relief on mortgage interest payments, continued availability of special interest-only mortgages, ability to raise a deposit by tax-free withdrawal of equity from the capital gain on an existing property instead of having to save for a deposit out of after-tax income, exemption from council tax for properties which are let to students, etc.




This will balance out the enormous financial subsidies that owner-occupier families enjoy, because they do not have to pay a single penny of tax on the imputed rent that they benefit from by living in their own homes.




This way, buy-to-let landlords will be able to continue to support the golden age of high house price inflation by buying up more properties to rent out, and provide much-needed homes for those who cannot afford to buy.''


The vast majority of comments were anti btl and pro the oncoming house price crash. Looks like the OP got his wish

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I just ran a search on Rightmove. There are 474 2+ bedroom homes for sale within 5 miles of Sheffield city centre under £70,000.


There is no problem finding a cheap home to buy. Some people need to be realign their mindset and stop imagining that they deserve more than they really do.

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Guest makapaka
Yes, just ban anyone from doing something that you haven’t got the bottle, initiative or drive to attempt yourself, this is just why the messiah Corbyn will never make it to the finish line. :)


Who hasn’t got the bottle, initiative or drive?


Do you think it’s right that some people own 20 houses and some people have 0?

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Yes, just ban anyone from doing something that you haven’t got the bottle, initiative or drive to attempt yourself, this is just why the messiah Corbyn will never make it to the finish line. :)


You realise that section 24 is a conservative party idea. A hugely popular one at that. They know that a young electorate that is forced to rent from landlords will not vote Tory. Corbyn is out of the loop on this one so your rant is way off the mark. The party's over and you know it

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Guest makapaka
I just ran a search on Rightmove. There are 474 2+ bedroom homes for sale within 5 miles of Sheffield city centre under £70,000.


There is no problem finding a cheap home to buy. Some people need to be realign their mindset and stop imagining that they deserve more than they really do.


£70000 is not cheap to someone on £15000 a year.


£70000 would probably get you an ex council house on a council estate I’d imagine?

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