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Predict outcome of June 2017 UK General Election here

predict outcome of June 2017 General Election here  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. predict outcome of June 2017 General Election here

    • ***
    • Conservative majority 100 +
    • Conservative majority 76-100
    • Conservative majority 51-75
    • Conservative majority 26-50
    • Conservative majority 1-25
    • Conservative no majority, but largest party
    • Labour and Conservative equal number of seats
    • Labour no majority, but largest party
    • Labour majority 1-25
    • Labour majority 26-50
    • Labour majority 50 +
    • ***

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In the end,it was a master stroke by Corbyn to put Brexit on the back burner and concentrate primarily on home issues,whereas May wanted it the other way around.

May knew that she couldn't talk about any important issues on Brexit because it would have revealed herself to the EU,so Corbyn would have been debating about nothing,except the beauty contest that May wanted it to be,so wasting valuable Labour time and resources going down a rabbit hole to use up time until voting day.

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Very dangerous days ahead while ever there is still a chance Comrade Cor-bin can get his snout in the trough propped up by the SNP .


Angela Smith won.


She's got some spine...and appears smarter than her constituents. You should be happy. I bet you aren't. Haha.

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Guest sibon
Very dangerous days ahead while ever there is still a chance Comrade Cor-bin can get his snout in the trough propped up by the SNP .


The real danger is that the Tories might be able to cobble a government together and continue their programme of dismantling the UK economy.


Never has a ruling party caused so much damage in such a short time.

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The real danger is that the Tories might be able to cobble a government together and continue their programme of dismantling the UK economy.


Never has a ruling party caused so much damage in such a short time.


Like they've just done you mean? They accused Corbyn of taking Britain back to the 70s...the DUP are the 70s. Look at their views on abortion, gay rights, women in general. It is an appalling coalition, it's as bad as a Tory/UKIP coalition would have been if not worse. It will almost certainly destabilise NI just when things have got peaceful. Is remaining PM really worth this Theresa?

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Like they've just done you mean? They accused Corbyn of taking Britain back to the 70s...the DUP are the 70s. Look at their views on abortion, gay rights, women in general. It is an appalling coalition, it's as bad as a Tory/UKIP coalition would have been if not worse. It will almost certainly destabilise NI just when things have got peaceful. Is remaining PM really worth this Theresa?


May hasn't even called it a coalition,they don't regard it as a coalition apparently.

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May hasn't even called it a coalition,they don't regard it as a coalition apparently.


'Friends in the DUP'...so now you are friends with terrorists supporters Theresa, this just keeps getting better and better doesn't it. Please let their be 3 Tory backbenchers who aren't comfortable with this and vote against the whip.

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Guest sibon
May hasn't even called it a coalition,they don't regard it as a coalition apparently.


It is more of a mutually embarrassing relationship.


No chance of those two working together.


What a mess Cameron and May have created.

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Like they've just done you mean? They accused Corbyn of taking Britain back to the 70s...the DUP are the 70s. Look at their views on abortion, gay rights, women in general. It is an appalling coalition, it's as bad as a Tory/UKIP coalition would have been if not worse. It will almost certainly destabilise NI just when things have got peaceful. Is remaining PM really worth this Theresa?




The DUP looks like the Tories preferred coalition partners. The DUP, which is the biggest Unionist party in Northern Ireland, are often seen as though they are just the like the other Unionist party they have essentially replaced – the Ulster Unionists.

But while the UUP have a long running relationship with the Tories, and are a centre right party- the DUP are another thing entirely. The very idea that they are near power in Westminster should worry us all.

Edited by petemcewan
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It is more of a mutually embarrassing relationship.


No chance of those two working together.


What a mess Cameron and May have created.


It really is a mess, even for Tory supporters. This is not a good coalition. NI voted massively to remain in the EU, the DUP are pro-Brexit because they want a separation from Ireland but the majority of NI residents do not want this. Thousands near the border work on the other side of it so any border would cause considerable harm. If the DUP push this agenda they will lose votes, a lot of votes, they will become the Lib Dems of 2017, Sein Fein will get more support and there is every chance that NI would push for a independence referendum or descend back into war that they've only really just ended. The DUP are absolutely stuck in the 70s with their anti-abortion, anti-gay right, anti-women policies. For Brexiters, the support of the DUP comes at a price and that's your hard-Brexit most likely, so that's you sold down the river too. All of us just got screwed. Fingers crossed we'll have another election in a couple of months when the Tories realise they cannot work with the DUP in practice.

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