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Predict outcome of June 2017 UK General Election here

predict outcome of June 2017 General Election here  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. predict outcome of June 2017 General Election here

    • ***
    • Conservative majority 100 +
    • Conservative majority 76-100
    • Conservative majority 51-75
    • Conservative majority 26-50
    • Conservative majority 1-25
    • Conservative no majority, but largest party
    • Labour and Conservative equal number of seats
    • Labour no majority, but largest party
    • Labour majority 1-25
    • Labour majority 26-50
    • Labour majority 50 +
    • ***

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Everything has turned out well in the end. The DUP have taken the Tories over the line to form a Government . There are two big pluses to this.


1/ The DUP are strongly in favour of a hard Brexit , which is good for the country.


2/ It stops any chance of Red Jezza forming a government propped up by the SNP


You don't even know anything about the DUP do you? They most certainly DO NOT WANT a hard Brexit and have stated it repeatedly. You are now making stuff up so you can still pretend this is a good thing because you daren't actually admit this is a giant balls up. The DUPs position is to stay in the single market and to have no 'hard' border between NI and RoI, which in no-ones definition is a hard Brexit. You've been sold down the river pal like everyone else who believed 'strong and stable'.

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Guest sibon
Everything has turned out well in the end. The DUP have taken the Tories over the line to form a Government . There are two big pluses to this.


1/ The DUP are strongly in favour of a hard Brexit , which is good for the country.




The one thing that you won't be getting is a hard Brexit. There are lots of reasons why, but the major one is that there is no mandate for it. The GE result has shot that particular fox.


And speaking of foxes, I guess that they are quite happy with this result too.


All we need now is a clampdown on tax dodgers who fund organised crime just to get cheap ciggies and my life will be complete.

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The arrogance of Mays speech today is quite something,as though she is doing everybody a favour by providing 'certainty',when it's her and her party that put everybody into uncertainty.'Only the Conservative party' is able to do this she tells us when they are totally at fault for the whole situation.

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I may be missing something here,but why are Labour celebrating as if they have won:huh:.Can they really form a government with just 261 seats, because Jeremy Corbyn says he wants a chance to have a minority government.Even if he gets the snp,lib dems,greens,plaid cymru he will still be short of a majority.Perhaps i need Diane Abbotts calculator.

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