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Predict outcome of June 2017 UK General Election here

predict outcome of June 2017 General Election here  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. predict outcome of June 2017 General Election here

    • ***
    • Conservative majority 100 +
    • Conservative majority 76-100
    • Conservative majority 51-75
    • Conservative majority 26-50
    • Conservative majority 1-25
    • Conservative no majority, but largest party
    • Labour and Conservative equal number of seats
    • Labour no majority, but largest party
    • Labour majority 1-25
    • Labour majority 26-50
    • Labour majority 50 +
    • ***

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Which is better than the nightmare scenario of Corbin and the SNP in No10.


We keep hearing this mantra of yours enlighten us on your thinking here. Labour and the SNP have common ground ture SNP are more centre left of Labour but a working relationship would work. DUP has links to Ireland's trouble past but yet during the general election we were told of Corbyn's supposed links to the IRA and told endlessly​ not too vote for him. But yet May can form a coalition with a party who are more too the right than the Tories and on occasion caused problems in the devolved Northern Ireland Parliament and could undermine the peace by endorsement of DUP by the Tories a dangerous game to play given how long it took to get peace and disarmament of terrorist groups .

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thanks , bad day and the only positive I can find are that the tories are still in charge and that's a very small positive

yup, and not by very much


to me its like football


you can score and let one in in the final minute it feels like a loss.

or you can score a late one to draw 1-1 and it feels like a win.


both are draws but feel slightly different, same last night, labour "lost" but cos they gained so many seats from last time it feels like a win.

Because the torys lost so many it must feel like a defeat, despite some peoples spin.

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There's more chance of the DUP voting for the Pope as Man of the Year than there is of the DUP turning down this opportunity.


May could rule has a minority government without a coalition but would need other parties votes to pass laws not ideal and oppersition parties are unlikely to help.


The DUP is right wing so their is some common ground with the Tories the other parties are more too the left in Northern Ireland.


I can't see this or her lasting a week.


If Corbyn rejigs his figures a bit, alters his cabinet too, and convinces Farron not to join them under any circumstances, I can see another election very soon, with either Corbyn or Corbyn/coalition with SNP or Libs winning.


Too many mistakes by May now, she's finished, and the Torys will probably topple with her. I think their best chance is to get Ruth Davidson in.

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