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Corbyn not happy with Shoot to Kill

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Corbyn states he is not happy with shoot to kill policy regarding terrorists.

No surprise when he gets comprehensively beaten in election.


Exactly, did he say this or are you another torie spreading lies?


If something happens like in London he certainly don't expect for police to come and ask them if they will please will kindly come along to the police office.

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I actually just found the video. What he actually says he's against it in general, and to use means to prevent terrorists letting off weapons when you can.


Seems entirely reasonable to arrest terrorists when possible. For example the Rigby killers were apprehended and brought to trial. Killing them gives them what they want. They want to be martyrs and they want a war on our streets.

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Assuming the OP refers to Corbyn's interview of November 2015 in the wake of the Bataclan terror attack, which the Tory electioneering machine no doubt shovelled afresh in the wake of this weekend's dreadful events, it may be useful to correct the OP with this.


Another non-story, no doubt intended to deflect from the effect of May's cuts upon the Police Forces for the past 6 years.


Shoot-to-kill is never to be preferred as a policy. But it is unavoidable practically, (i) because modern-day terrorists must be presumed to be suicide bombers, as last seen 2 weeks ago, and so taking their lives before they (risk-) detonating and taking others is preferable; and (ii) because 'shooting-to-wound' is highly impractical (lest the firearms officer is at point blank range), not to say dangerous for bystanders.

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"Corbyn told the party’s ruling national executive committee that he would be prepared to authorise lethal force if it met legal tests."


"Of course I support the use of whatever proportionate and strictly necessary force is required to save life in response to attacks of the kind we saw in Paris.”


I think its a sign that May's team are having some jitters trying to deflect attention from her major cuts to the policing budget when she was Home Secretary & the report on ISIS funding they are currently withholding

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Guest sibon
Assuming the OP refers to Corbyn's interview of November 2015 in the wake of the Bataclan terror attack, which the Tory electioneering machine no doubt shovelled afresh in the wake of this weekend's dreadful events, it may be useful to correct the OP with this.


Another non-story, no doubt intended to deflect from the effect of May's cuts upon the Police Forces for the past 6 years.


Shoot-to-kill is never to be preferred as a policy. But it is unavoidable practically, (i) because modern-day terrorists must be presumed to be suicide bombers, as last seen 2 weeks ago, and so taking their lives before they (risk-) detonating and taking others is preferable; and (ii) because 'shooting-to-wound' is highly impractical (lest the firearms officer is at point blank range), not to say dangerous for bystanders.


There are also the added factors that shooting to kill negates the need for a trial afterwards and prevents the terrorists from radicalising others in prison. Both of these are positives for the security services.


It seems to me that it is policy to kill the perpetrators of these attacks, rather than to attempt to arrest them.


---------- Post added 05-06-2017 at 10:07 ----------


Corbyn states he is not happy with shoot to kill policy regarding terrorists.

No surprise when he gets comprehensively beaten in election.


You need to brush up on your analytical skills. It seems that you fall for any old rubbish that the media tells you.

Edited by sibon
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Corbyn states he is not happy with shoot to kill policy regarding terrorists.

No surprise when he gets comprehensively beaten in election.


How is the bystander doing, the innocent person that got shot in London?

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How is the bystander doing, the innocent person that got shot in London?


If that's a backhanded criticism of the police then ask yourself how many more people would have been killed if they hadn't performed as they did....

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