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War against Iran

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The war against Iran has just started, using the Saudi / Gulf monarchies proxy army of ISIS (and some say, the CIA's proxy army too).


I wonder how our media will try and spin this? Evil Iran? Hard to do when just about everyone has realise that the Saudis have been exporting radical Islamism for years now, but we'll see.

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Could we see some of your intelligence demonstrated by commenting on the fact that ISIS have just attacked Iran, or do you just do one liners?


Sure. Iran is a Shia country by and large and ISIS Sunnis consider Shia Muslims apostates.


There is a small Sunni population in Iran and ISIS have been reaching out to them in recent times using propaganda written in Farsi.


How's that?

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Pretty good. Also the Saudis and their backers are Sunni monarchies whilst Iran is a Shia republic; they even have elections unlike the House of Saud.


Why are you telling me things I know?


The House of Saud are considered apostates as are the heads of state in any Muslim country because doctrine forbids democracy.


You may have noticed Christians in Syria were allowed to leave or stay and pay the tax. You might also have noticed ISIS hasn't carried out attacks in Israel. This is because apostates are the higher enemy of ISIS.


However, ISIS's land-grab has begun to stall and they are losing territory to Kurds. This isn't what is supposed to happen.


By attacking Iran there is greater risk in the region of an all out war. Which might bring the so called Armies of Rome into battle. Read USA for the Armies of Rome. This is what ISIS want. They believe the end of the world is coming following a great battle.

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You might also have noticed ISIS hasn't carried out attacks in Israel. This is because apostates are the higher enemy of ISIS.


It's difficult not to tell you what you already know when you said so little. But thank you for this, because that's one of the things I have been wondering about.


I have been expecting war against Iran because war against Syria was a pretty obvious prelude. I just wonder how the press will spin this as country after country gets smashed up and left broken and there is pretty much silence on why it may be happening.

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It's difficult not to tell you what you already know when you said so little. But thank you for this, because that's one of the things I have been wondering about.


I have been expecting war against Iran because war against Syria was a pretty obvious prelude. I just wonder how the press will spin this as country after country gets smashed up and left broken and there is pretty much silence on why it may be happening.


It isn't war. It's an ISIS attack.


I can't predict how Iran will respond but I don't think I'd want to be a Sunni living there right now.

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