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Can't wait for the 9th..

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At the moment I am reading an interesting book about the manipulations of government and the left right swings and influences it has on economy. It is about the American system but explains well why things happen a certain way here as well.


Government is often run by a bunch of mental crackpots. The more common they look the worse it gets. Characters like corbyn are not supposed to get through the system or get a chance, his intentions are authentic but even as PM it will be a tough one in this crackpot system, party members love him but party MP are divided.


No matter what happens it will have both advantages and disadvantages either way.

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Looking forward to those threads.


Which hopefully, the mods will see fit to bung collectively in 'I'm Bored' where they rightfully belong. There are now around fourteen separate threads about this daft voting competition which is thirteen (or fourteen) too many in my view.


A step by step autopsy on who 'won' what is totally unnecessary tittle-tattle.


I've already voted by putting my voting ticket in the black ballot box (with wheels) just outside my kitchen door.

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Yes, the same few people will be writing the same things. The ones who shout 'divide and conquer' are generally the ones dividing!


However, they cannot be stopped because whatever happens it will be a 'disaster'.


If Tory win and Brexit goes wrong: Brexiters and Nasty tory fault

If Tory win and Brexit goes well: The Tory stole Labours ideas

If Labour win and Brexit goes wrong: Nothing Labour could do as the brexiters caused the damage already

If Labour win and Brexit goes well: No thanks to brexiters and Nasty Torys.



There'll be these threads whatever.

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Whatever happened to fixed 5 year Government terms ? Another U-turn ? :-/


The fixed term parliament act was David Camerons thing. It serves no purpose whatsoever and needs doing away with.

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Has anyone else noticed the 'vote for x (where x is the party I'm voting for) or else the world will end and it will be your fault' type posts on Facebook?


Yep, the campaign has been fought very poorly on FB this time. Never seen such ignornance or hate.


They call the Tories the Nasty Party but I've seen many Labour supporters post lots of racist and offensive bile, especially the c word.

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That's because you're sad in wanting things to go wrong for that very reason.


Don't attack me personally. Thanks.


No I fully expect a lot of the warnings to come true. And when those things do happen we need to point them out and point back to previous warnings. In doing so hopefully it's a small step towards avoiding the same mistakes in the future.


Don't misunderstand, I'd love for everything to improve for people. I don't want things to get worse.


---------- Post added 08-06-2017 at 11:33 ----------


Which hopefully, the mods will see fit to bung collectively in 'I'm Bored' where they rightfully belong. There are now around fourteen separate threads about this daft voting competition which is thirteen (or fourteen) too many in my view.


A step by step autopsy on who 'won' what is totally unnecessary tittle-tattle.


I've already voted by putting my voting ticket in the black ballot box (with wheels) just outside my kitchen door.


You don't have to read any thread you're not interested in. You know that right?

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Yep, the campaign has been fought very poorly on FB this time. Never seen such ignornance or hate.


They call the Tories the Nasty Party but I've seen many Labour supporters post lots of racist and offensive bile, especially the c word.


I completely agree with this. I've seen people calling their friends some hideous names over the past weeks, just for having differing political views.


We have freedom to choose who we vote for, a freedom a lot of countries don't have. That should be respected.

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