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Can't wait for the 9th..

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They call the Tories the Nasty Party but I've seen many Labour supporters post lots of racist and offensive bile, especially the c word.


I have seen this also. It does seem some Labour supporters are the real nasty people who call Tory's scum etc. I have never heard a Tory supporter call Labour supporters such names.

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You don't have to read any thread you're not interested in. You know that right?


Yes, I'm totally aware of that thank you very, very much, and I can assure you that I really can't be asked to read such argumentative drivel, apart from a cursory glance to see that they're all the same.

My point is, why are there so many threads about the same voting competition, when just one would do? It's the same as having fourteen different threads about X-Factor finals for God's sake.

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Yes, I'm totally aware of that thank you very, very much, and I can assure you that I really can't be asked to read such argumentative drivel, apart from a cursory glance to see that they're all the same.

My point is, why are there so many threads about the same voting competition, when just one would do? It's the same as having fourteen different threads about X-Factor finals for God's sake.


Lots of different aspects to discuss?


Trouble with having just one thread is that they get ridiculously long, and all the issues get lost in them.

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I completely agree with this. I've seen people calling their friends some hideous names over the past weeks, just for having differing political views.


We have freedom to choose who we vote for, a freedom a lot of countries don't have. That should be respected.


Very much agree!


---------- Post added 08-06-2017 at 12:11 ----------


I been and done my duty and Voted. As so should everyone.


For my money, people should do as their own concsiense dictates; be that not vote, or vote for whoever they want. I'd much prefer people use their own discernment and good judgement, rather that do whatever it is I'm doing. The more people who do that, the better for us all, collectively. :)

Edited by Waldo
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You don't have to read any thread you're not interested in. You know that right?




... well I feel that I've got a right to complain that, once again, I've been led here under false pretences!


Without reading the thread it is impossible to know that a thread titled "Can't wait for the 9th..." was to be yet another tedious agenda fest and not, as I had hoped, an interesting discussion about the randomness of dates and their probable occurrences as days of the week, as my research assistant Mr Wiki is quoted as saying:


June 9 is the 160th day of the year (161st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 205 days remaining until the end of the year. This date is slightly more likely to fall on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday (58 in 400 years each) than on Sunday or Monday (57), and slightly less likely to occur on a Wednesday or Friday (56).
So as you can all see (and you can't argue with FACTS), it would appear that Friday 9th June 2017 is indeed a rare day and should be celebrated in it's own right! :rant:
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Don't attack me personally. Thanks.


No I fully expect a lot of the warnings to come true. And when those things do happen we need to point them out and point back to previous warnings. In doing so hopefully it's a small step towards avoiding the same mistakes in the future.


It's not a personal attack. Your desire is for brexit' to fail for the sole reason that you could then throw it back in the faces of those that voted leave. You say you want the best for the country and yet your expressed wish is the opposite and for what, so you can be proved right?

I see no reason to believe that you would want the best for the UK should Conservative win this election, Moreover it gives you another opportunity to point accusing fingers. Your posts point in that direction.

Edited by silentP
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... well I feel that I've got a right to complain that, once again, I've been led here under false pretences!


Without reading the thread it is impossible to know that a thread titled "Can't wait for the 9th..." was to be yet another tedious agenda fest and not, as I had hoped, an interesting discussion about the randomness of dates and their probable occurrences as days of the week, as my research assistant Mr Wiki is quoted as saying:


So as you can all see (and you can't argue with FACTS), it would appear that Friday 9th June 2017 is indeed a rare day and should be celebrated in it's own right! :rant:


This is more like it Mr Bloke! :thumbsup:


Another interesting fact about Friday is the fact that it is the day after Thursday. Thursday being particularly important as that is the day that the Vogons blew up planet Earth in order to build an intergalactic highway.

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Has anyone else noticed the 'vote for x (where x is the party I'm voting for) or else the world will end and it will be your fault' type posts on Facebook? Well, I'm here to say 'F.T.S.', do not copy me or anyone else, really do trust yourself, apply your own discernment and make the right descision for you.


I was very amused by a piece on the BBC on young voters and politics. One 18 year old stated that there was no reason for the young not to know about politics as information is easily available on facebook! That is surely a very good reason not to lower the voting age.

Edited by apelike
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This is more like it Mr Bloke! :thumbsup:


Another interesting fact about Friday is the fact that it is the day after Thursday. Thursday being particularly important as that is the day that the Vogons blew up planet Earth in order to build an intergalactic highway.




... so a bit like the government's plans with HS2 then? :confused:


There's obviously more to this thread than meets the eye... :suspect:

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