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Can't wait for the 9th..

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If you call pointing out that she didn't seem to know what she doing destruction then I suppose so.


For someone aspiring to one of the most high profile and important jobs in the Government, she didn't exactly seem on top of her brief. Why shouldn't she be put under scrutiny?


Look it's obvious she's gone beyond her level. Not going to argue with that.


I'm more talking about the levels of hate on social media, things I can't reproduce here. But it was nasty and relentless, verging on hate speech at times. People on here have been close to the line on occasions, at the very least relentlessly regurgitating attacks, responding to dog whistles.


She didn't deserve what happened. She's human after all.

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Very, animals don't lie the way she does.

If being human is to be like Theresa may I rather be a chimpanzee.


I think he's referring to Diane Abbott, but it's not ok to slag off Theresa May in the same manner either. I can't stand TM, I think she's a self serving liar, but I'm not going to start making personal insults against her, she's doing her job the best she can in the way she thinks is best. I don't agree with her, that's it. In fact I've actually defended TM from people being overly abusive. Doesn't matter which side you support, our MPs are humans doing a job, some are crap at it and take advantage, others are good at it and genuinely work hard for their constituents, regardless of party.

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I think he's referring to Diane Abbott, but it's not ok to slag off Theresa May in the same manner either. I can't stand TM, I think she's a self serving liar, but I'm not going to start making personal insults against her, she's doing her job the best she can in the way she thinks is best. I don't agree with her, that's it. In fact I've actually defended TM from people being overly abusive. Doesn't matter which side you support, our MPs are humans doing a job, some are crap at it and take advantage, others are good at it and genuinely work hard for their constituents, regardless of party.


I think calling someone a self serving liar is a fairly personal insult!

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No I fully expect a lot of the warnings to come true. And when those things do happen we need to point them out and point back to previous warnings. In doing so hopefully it's a small step towards avoiding the same mistakes in the future.


The problem with this though is that when one writes every possible worst case scenario for every topic, it's easy to pick those ones out if it does go wrong.


I've seen a few election campaigns in here, and especially when the Torys/libDems and when Torys won outright, there were literally (and not saying that as a student uses it) hundreds of doom-monger threads were written and are still here. Shall we open all these up again to see which came true?*


Riots! Mass looting! The NHS will be gone in a year! Crime rates will soar!


are amongst many of them.


*I could pull up hundreds, but I doubt mods would like it! Plenty involve you of course, but you are clever enough to cover bases, much like this post ;)




I completely agree with this. I've seen people calling their friends some hideous names over the past weeks, just for having differing political views.


I've been interested in politics for probably 20 years or so since mid-20s, and just as I predicted in my own doom-monger mode in 2007, I said the rise in social media would take over rational thought. More recently in here I said people like Katie Blondie would probably end up in politics - not quite right but not far wrong in what I meant, which is social media people will win votes in future - much like Trump as this turned out.


It's always been a bit more feisty in here at election times, but in the past no where near as many 'facebook' type arguments, and such nastiness as in the last couple. It seems to be a trend right throughout the country now, yet in the past it was rarely discussed in real life, that I can recall.


People who discuss politics in here in the early days would probably have been considered 'geeks' in the past. Now with fb and twit, everyone's an expert!




I'm one who says that it SHOULD NOT be about a leader's ability to stand on a stage and look good, it shouldn't be about charisma. It should be about the best people, and neither party has the best person in charge. The reason? Because they aren't good on tv. That's madness to me.


However, I'm also quite self-aware and aware that this HAS rubbed off on me too in recent years - that by watching these TV debates! It has given me more of a picture of the person. My vote last time I would have changed because I just think Farron is almost 'too sincere' or 'somehow trying to feign charisma'... A bit like Miliband tried.


I just didn't buy it, so didn't vote for them.

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Why? What's wrong with wanting people you profoundly oppose to fail?


People wanted to destroy Diane Abbot didn't they. All guns blazing.


she destroyed herself, look at the past, she has always been incompetent when interviewed, or with the statements, she has made.

Edited by phil752
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Whatever happened to fixed 5 year Government terms ? Another U-turn ? :-/


The five year term of Government is the maximum allowed before an election must be called. There is no minimum time, an election may be called at any time - so I believe.



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