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Can't wait for the 9th..

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I think May will go.


There will be another election late summer, the new Tory leader will clean up on the back of a manifesto full of unrealistic promises (if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander). Meanwhile Juncker and pals will negotiate a belter of a deal for the EU.


Well if it shifts the Tories away from neoliberalism, austerity and ruthless individualism to a more socially focused manifesto that would be a major victory for all progressives.


UKIP have demonstrated how sentiment can be shifted without necessarily having to gain power.

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2T3 if another election is called this year get ready for the most socially acceptable manifesto ever from the tories

. You may well be right that this result will have the tories taken a long hard look at themselves and come up with policies that appeal more. That said I do not know if Corbyn could repeat this times mobilisation of the students if there is another election in the near future.

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Angela Smith majority cut to 1322 with both her and tories getting over 20000 votes, swing to labour + 3.8 swing to tories + 15.5, even ardent labour supporters have to admit that is a close run.

May has always said no Ireland border so is the support of the DUP so inconceivable.

Again everybody on here must say oh no not another election if we go to the polls again this year.

For anybody who has sway with labour , if they came out with a proper policy on Brexit outlining what they actually stand for then they could go better. I could not vote for them whilst they still have free movement so will go to tories as UKIP not relevant until Farage returns. That said I still find Corbyn/Abbott/McDonnell as appealing as a colonic massage.


It's not inconceivable that with a more reasoned and less confrontational approach another party negotiating could actually get a reasonable deal. A lot of the Eau stance is driven by the attitude of hardline Brexiteers. Remove them from the frame and the outcome could be a lot better.

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2T3, myself as an ardent brexiteer take solace in one thing, the fact that Corbyn has always been anti eu and was Luke warm in the referendum campaign. That is my one consolation in that he may go for a harder deal than I fear.

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Angela Smith majority cut to 1322 with both her and tories getting over 20000 votes, swing to labour + 3.8 swing to tories + 15.5, even ardent labour supporters have to admit that is a close run.

May has always said no Ireland border so is the support of the DUP so inconceivable.

Again everybody on here must say oh no not another election if we go to the polls again this year.

For anybody who has sway with labour , if they came out with a proper policy on Brexit outlining what they actually stand for then they could go better. I could not vote for them whilst they still have free movement so will go to tories as UKIP not relevant until Farage returns. That said I still find Corbyn/Abbott/McDonnell as appealing as a colonic massage.


Oh it was close, this election has been utterly bizarre. Typical Labour strongholds have lost vote share but then so have Tory strongholds. They lost a seat they've held for 100 years! Truro was only 500 votes short of Labour getting in, St Ives only 200 votes short of Labour taking it. Regardless of your political allegiance, bloody hell things have changed. It really has shaken up politics in the UK and thank Heavens for that! It's about time. Now let's PR to really represent all parties fairly and we've fixed it.

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<...>May has always said no Ireland border so is the support of the DUP so inconceivable.<...>
It doesn't matter one bit what May "says": you can't not have a border between the EU and a third party country. And the Republic of Ireland is in the EU.


How else are movements of goods and people to be checked into and out of the UK, into and out of the EU?


And why else do you think the NI/RoI border is such a hot negotiation topic between the UK and the EU?


How that border is implemented, is the devil in the details of course. And there are many different ways of skinning that cat.


But kid yourself not: when the UK Brexits, it is getting a 'border' with the EU, therefore with the Republic.


If the UK Brexits into the EEA, Norway-style, it would be a 'soft' border, probably not much harder or visible than currently (because the UK is not in Schengen: it has always had a border with the EU, albeit not so much with the Republic of Ireland due to the CTA).


If the UK Brexits completely outside the EEA (as May & Co. want), it would be a 'hard' border, complete with full goods inspection (with the consequences on artic traffic and waiting queues on motorways in the South), Brits to use 'third party national' queues in airports and harbours, <etc.>

Edited by L00b
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I would go for PR but we supposedly had a vote on this but if I am honest I cannot remember it. I agree we are in a period of flux and change, let's see what comes.


---------- Post added 09-06-2017 at 09:23 ----------


Look you may well be right but the form of the border is yet to be seen.

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One positive for all (I hope!) is how many close seats there were. I'll wait to see the final numbers, but it looks like the number of seats where there was less than 1000 votes in it more than doubled this time around. So many people who maybe didn't bother voting because they didn't see any point as their area was staunchly red or blue are waking up today realising that their vote could have made a massive difference.


This election will have re-enfranchised millions and hopefully voting numbers go up and up from here.

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