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Can't wait for the 9th..

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Kate or it may disenfranchise, if there is another GE this year I am not sure the youth vote would turn out again.


Perhaps. I'm just overwhelmed by the turnout and how involved people have got in politics which is a fantastic thing. I so think the youth would turn out again and possibly more so as if just 10,000 more had voted Labour could have had another 12 seats. That's how close things were. Equally if another 10,000 Tory supporters had turn out the Tories might have had a majority. Regardless of which side you support, having very close votes in individual seats is surely the best outcome for all? MPs having to earn your votes, no relying on a stronghold vote, having to listen to the public etc. That's the democracy I want even if the government isn't the one I would choose.

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I think May will go.


There will be another election late summer, the new Tory leader will clean up on the back of a manifesto full of unrealistic promises (if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander). Meanwhile Juncker and pals will negotiate a belter of a deal for the EU.


Well she says she is not resigning, so how long before she changes her mind.

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Maybe by working harder for your vote they may actually come and knock on your day rather than media adverts all the time.At least in the old days you could debate the policies when they could be bothered to speak face to face.

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My money is on:


Conservatives form a coalition with the DUP.


1 day later Theresa May is off.



I think she'll stay till the end of the year, then it's PM Boris. Agree the DUP will be the coalition party. 319 plus 10 gives them a majority.

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It doesn't matter one bit what May "says": you can't not have a border between the EU and a third party country. And the Republic of Ireland is in the EU.


How else are movements of goods and people to be checked into and out of the UK, into and out of the EU?


And why else do you think the NI/RoI border is such a hot negotiation topic between the UK and the EU?


How that border is implemented, is the devil in the details of course. And there are many different ways of skinning that cat.


But kid yourself not: when the UK Brexits, it is getting a 'border' with the EU, therefore with the Republic.


If the UK Brexits into the EEA, Norway-style, it would be a 'soft' border, probably not much harder or visible than currently (because the UK is not in Schengen: it has always had a border with the EU, albeit not so much with the Republic of Ireland due to the CTA).


If the UK Brexits completely outside the EEA (as May & Co. want), it would be a 'hard' border, complete with full goods inspection (with the consequences on artic traffic and waiting queues on motorways in the South), Brits to use 'third party national' queues in airports and harbours, <etc.>

Nigel Farage was interviewed by Andrew Neil earlier and said he was very worried to hear David Davis of all people say they may have to reconsider leaving the single market. A minority Tory government combined with the number of their backbenchers who are pro-remain makes an EEA Brexit far more likely that it was yesterday.

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There are that many backstabbers in the Conservative party that her position will end up being untenable.


It should already be untenable now,she's just made one of the biggest blunders in UK political history.I don't think any of the possible successors have the stomach to face the EU,that's why she's been persuaded to stay on as damaged goods.The arrows are going to come in from all directions for whoever is in charge for a good while to come,nobody else is capable or fancies facing up to it,but in a way it is good that she is still there to try and salvage somethimg from her own mess,nobody else deserves having to face what is going to come.

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With regards to negotiating Brexit, does it have to be just the Conservative Party doing the talking?


I would much rather see a cross party team of big hitters. We need the best team we can muster, regardless of party. I'd also include Nigel Farage, as an advisor. He knows more about the ins and outs of the EU than all the rest put together.

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With regards to negotiating Brexit, does it have to be just the Conservative Party doing the talking?



I don't suppose it does but would they all play nicely together? Being as "Brexit" would be forever (I suppose) then we need the best deal for the UK not just for one party..

Edited by truman
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