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Why theresa may is dangerous, she reacts too quickly

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The last thing we need is another general election when we are about to start negotiating with the rest of Europe. When the government gets its queens speech through parliament which it will with support of the DUP then the other parties should except it and get on with opposition.


Why not have another election? The reality is we're right at the start of the negotiations and effectively have no strong and stable government.


Better to get government in place now than let something tenuous run for say a year and then collapse at a critical point in the negotiations.

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Better to get government in place now than let something tenuous run for say a year and then collapse at a critical point in the negotiations.


Well if that happened, our only sensible option would be to withdraw our A50 notice and remain in the EU... then lock up the rioters, run another In-Out referendum and reform the EU.



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Why not have another election? The reality is we're right at the start of the negotiations and effectively have no strong and stable government.


Better to get government in place now than let something tenuous run for say a year and then collapse at a critical point in the negotiations.


there is no guarantee that another election at the minute will produce a significantly different result.


---------- Post added 11-06-2017 at 17:03 ----------


Well if that happened, our only sensible option would be to withdraw our A50 notice and remain in the EU... then lock up the rioters, run another In-Out referendum and reform the EU.




a better alternative would be to join the EEA or EFTA or some other acronym until we could get a government with enough of a mandate/stability to make a decision

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This is not spin. This is terrible political decision making.


There's not even a subtle difference between the two.


She took less than 24 hours to enter into power sharing with a bunch of terrorism sympathising religious crazies. Dangerous woman.

It's well documented that the Tories have had talks with the DUP for a few years now. David Cameron paved the way for any agreements as an insurance policy for support, in the event of an hung parliament well before the 2015 General Election.

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It's well documented that the Tories have had talks with the DUP for a few years now. David Cameron paved the way for any agreements as an insurance policy for support, in the event of an hung parliament well before the 2015 General Election.


Do you think it's a good idea to jump into bed with the DUP?


---------- Post added 11-06-2017 at 19:51 ----------


there is no guarantee that another election at the minute will produce a significantly different result.


---------- Post added 11-06-2017 at 17:03 ----------



a better alternative would be to join the EEA or EFTA or some other acronym until we could get a government with enough of a mandate/stability to make a decision


I've argued on here for months for a transitional arrangement.

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The issues or fears of immigration are themselves a symptom rather than the problem itself - few people bother about immigration when the economy is doing well and they have a good job.The problem is that of the working class being ignored by politicians when things aren't going well. The Conservatives thought "They'll never vote for us anyway so we don't need to bother with them"[1] and Labour thought "They've got nobody else to vote for so we can take them for granted". Farage comes along and exploits that discontent to push his anti-EU agenda (helped by the fact Con and Lab politicians had been blaming the EU for their own unpopular decisions for years).


Leaving the EU won't stop immigration, before the referendum Farage predicted non-EU immigration will go up after Brexit. It won't encourage parties to stop ignoring huge sections of the population either.


We need a change to our political system - a proper proportional system will force political parties to fight for every vote. Unfortunately, the only parties who can change it have a vested interest in keeping things as they are.



[1] Vince Cable tells of hearing exactly this attitude from Cameron and Osborne during his time in coalition with them.


Do you think labour would want PR and more than the conservatives?

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Do you think it's a good idea to jump into bed with the DUP?.
I can't see a problem, if concessions such as abandoning the plan to stop winter fuel payments to pensioners are made. Also the DUP would like a soft border with the Irish Republic, which could be part of the Brexit negotiations. There isn't going to be a coalition or members of the DUP in the cabinet. I don't think there would have been the current controversy for such an agreement if it had happened in 2015 pre Brexit.


There are no other alternatives unless the Lib Dems did a U-Turn and offered an alternative agreement.

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Do you think labour would want PR and more than the conservatives?

No I don't - that's part of the problem. The only people who have a realistic chance of implementing it have a vested interest in not doing so.

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May will be the type of person to drive around without checking the rearview mirror then hit the breaks when she sees a dog running on the road without realising there is a bus full of schoolchildren or ambulance right behind her.


She puts schools and NHS at risk then uses as excuse she had to save the dog. That is who she is.


Did you compile this or did you get an 8 year old to do it for you ?

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I don't think there would have been the current controversy for such an agreement if it had happened in 2015 pre Brexit.

no, the current controversay probably wouldnt have happened purely because theyve been slagging corbyn off as a terrorist sympathiser for weeks now

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