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Why theresa may is dangerous, she reacts too quickly

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- few people bother about immigration when the economy is doing well and they have a good job..


In other words most people are selfish and are not bothered about others? sounds about right.

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In other words most people are selfish and are not bothered about others? sounds about right.


You can't support parties that promote ruthless individualism and then complain about people being selfish Alan.


Think about it.

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You can't support parties that promote ruthless individualism and then complain about people being selfish Alan.


Think about it.


I actually voted Labour.

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In other words most people are selfish and are not bothered about others? sounds about right.
On the contrary, I think most people, even those who voted for brexit, are generous enough to like seeing others having the opportunity to better themselves but they only feel comfortable doing so after they have met the lower two levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. That's more difficult to do if you're struggling financially after being ignored by central government for the past decade or three.
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The issues or fears of immigration are themselves a symptom rather than the problem itself - few people bother about immigration when the economy is doing well and they have a good job.The problem is that of the working class being ignored by politicians when things aren't going well. The Conservatives thought "They'll never vote for us anyway so we don't need to bother with them"[1] and Labour thought "They've got nobody else to vote for so we can take them for granted". Farage comes along and exploits that discontent to push his anti-EU agenda (helped by the fact Con and Lab politicians had been blaming the EU for their own unpopular decisions for years).


Leaving the EU won't stop immigration, before the referendum Farage predicted non-EU immigration will go up after Brexit. It won't encourage parties to stop ignoring huge sections of the population either.


We need a change to our political system - a proper proportional system will force political parties to fight for every vote. Unfortunately, the only parties who can change it have a vested interest in keeping things as they are.



[1] Vince Cable tells of hearing exactly this attitude from Cameron and Osborne during his time in coalition with them.


Tories , they will never vote for us , so we don't need to bother with them . Labour , they will never vote for anyone else so we don't need to bother with them . This is exactly the situation in Sheffield

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Now it shows I was right, she went straight to Buckingham palace without even making a deal with DUP. Proper negotiations are not starting till starting Tuesday.

What is TM high on? She clearly not a full shilling, should have been a second hand car saleswoman.

Jeremy corban thinks there is a chance he could still become PM if she messes this one up.

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Now it shows I was right, she went straight to Buckingham palace without even making a deal with DUP. Proper negotiations are not starting till starting Tuesday.

What is TM high on? She clearly not a full shilling, should have been a second hand car saleswoman.

Jeremy corban thinks there is a chance he could still become PM if she messes this one up.


The rules, such as they are, are that even without a deal with the DUP she gets first go at trying to form a government.


At the minute, there is no appetite for yet another election (remember Brenda from Bristol?), with a bit of care regardless of what the DUP does or doesn't do she could soldier on for months with a minority government.


If Theresa May or her successor fails to provide a government which can command the confidence of the House of Commons then Jeremy will get a chance to see if a minority Labour administration can do any better. Other than that, its a general election.


I imagine that whatever happens we'll have another one anyway in the spring.

Edited by andyofborg
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The last thing we need is another general election when we are about to start negotiating with the rest of Europe. When the government gets its queens speech through parliament which it will with support of the DUP then the other parties should except it and get on with opposition.

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DUP will not support. They will help her in exchange for some special treatment, extras. Few days ago i put a link to YouTube godfather saying this is how its done, I was right, may and DUP are cooperating gangsters, not supporters.

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