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Nigel Farage may return..oh no!

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You need to go back a bit further I still think your missing the point, if the other political parties had taken into consideration peoples fears and issues regarding immigration before Farage and UKIP grabbed it, then maybe things would be so different, instead they all stood back frightened to engage the subject, that is why we are where we are !


Farage made the EU his point of attack,immigrants were just a convenient add on that he could use,the Tories were hopelessly divided on the EU membership,so they were never going to be at ease with themselves until that was resolved,the right wing media fuelled the fire by resorting to all the things I alluded to in the last post to make immigration the key point of cracking the EU nut..........so this has brought you to where you are today,happy now?

Government and business went hand in hand to take advantage of the EU immigrants instead of laying down rules that would have been perfectly in line with EU policy and gave notice that they were indeed taking notice of peoples concerns,like training UK people for UK jobs,banning foreign only ads for UK jobs,housing policy,infrastructure policy,benefits policy for immigrants and UK people,wages and working conditions in UK companies that made them unattractive for UK people.

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Farage made the EU his point of attack,immigrants were just a convenient add on that he could use,the Tories were hopelessly divided on the EU membership,so they were never going to be at ease with themselves until that was resolved,the right wing media fuelled the fire by resorting to all the things I alluded to in the last post to make immigration the key point of cracking the EU nut..........so this has brought you to where you are today,happy now?

Government and business went hand in hand to take advantage of the EU immigrants instead of laying down rules that would have been perfectly in line with EU policy and gave notice that they were indeed taking notice of peoples concerns,like training UK people for UK jobs,banning foreign only ads for UK jobs,housing policy,infrastructure policy,benefits policy for immigrants and UK people,wages and working conditions in UK companies that made them unattractive for UK people.


Your persistence in the use of 'you' let's you down, your still refusing to take any responsibility chalga, blaming the media too, the usual leftist cop out. Like I said earlier the EU was of little concern to anybody until UKIP took the immigration factor and grabbed their attention, there was plenty of opportunity for the other parties to deal with the concerns before that.

I am happier than you clearly and I certainly don't believe anything I read in the media, I go out and work and socialise with people, I see and hear things first hand, people have been let down by modern bs politics and politicians and the pc agenda of shutting up and putting down their concerns .... we see it everywhere including this forum.

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Your persistence in the use of 'you' let's you down, your still refusing to take any responsibility chalga, blaming the media too, the usual leftist cop out. Like I said earlier the EU was of little concern to anybody until UKIP took the immigration factor and grabbed their attention, there was plenty of opportunity for the other parties to deal with the concerns before that.

I am happier than you clearly and I certainly don't believe anything I read in the media, I go out and work and socialise with people, I see and hear things first hand, people have been let down by modern bs politics and politicians and the pc agenda of shutting up and putting down their concerns .... we see it everywhere including this forum.


No,it doesn't let me down,I am not one of those looking for scapegoats and have clearly set out the alternatives on offer to scapegoating,which is prevalent throughout a lot of the UK.The media is a perfectly legitimate target,they have fuelled the fire against immigrants for a decade now,so it's been a factor since well before Farage exploited it.If you are happy with where your country has arrived at today,good for you,I can only see turmoil and more ahead,and if this thread is anything to go by,people still not realising that scapegoating and demonising is a huge factor for what brought you to this position today,and why i will be more than happy for a Hard Brexit and for the EU to be rid of the UK forever.

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No,it doesn't let me down,I am not one of those looking for scapegoats and have clearly set out the alternatives on offer to scapegoating,which is prevalent throughout a lot of the UK.The media is a perfectly legitimate target,they have fuelled the fire against immigrants for a decade now,so it's been a factor since well before Farage exploited it.If you are happy with where your country has arrived at today,good for you,I can only see turmoil and more ahead,and if this thread is anything to go by,people still not realising that scapegoating and demonising is a huge factor for what brought you to this position today,and why i will be more than happy for a Hard Brexit and for the EU to be rid of the UK forever.


You keep going on about scapegoating and demonising, are you telling me you don't scapegoat and demonise, because in my opinion it is all around us, part and parcel of modern society and is used politically by all sides, the media and social media included.

Your attitude of 'it's not me it's you', is itself typical of such behaviour.

Edited by Michael_W
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You keep going on about scapegoating and demonising, are you telling me you don't scapegoat and demonise, because in my opinion it is all around us, part and parcel of modern society and is used politically by all sides, the media and social media included.


Yes,I've been saying the media has been doing that if you noticed.Does that make it OK then,being part of modern society?,why would I not keep going on about it,if as you say,it is part and parcel of modern society?...........if it is that huge,it is something to go on about,and it played its part in where the UK finds itself today,between the rock of an uncertain leader and governance and the hard place of difficult negotiations with the EU,with no guarantee of the golden unicorns that were talked about immediately after the Brexit result,since May herself has acknowledged,the very quality of life in the UK in future depends on those talks,something that no politician,on the leave side anyway, even hinted at before Brexit referendum.

Edited by chalga
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As I am a UKipper can you add fuel to your fire and give me plain facts please.


What are his "radical" views and which "baser" human instincts do you refer to.


Why is Nigel a "total embarrassment" .


What makes him "nasty".


"Solutions" to what exactly.




Baser human instincts....racism.Somehow he has managed to confuse many of his followers that free movement within the EU is not desirable,and that illegal immigration is the same issue.

I would argue that controlled immigration is an absolute necessity for so any parts of our services and economy.

Oswald Mosley was also a smart cookie who had his followers based on the same xenophobic views.

This makes him nasty.

He is just an embarrassment as a representative of the UK in Europe.Once again railing against all and sundry in Brussels,and I don't want anyone in France,Germany ,Belgium etc to think that he represents British people.

Solutions.......Having "achieved"Brexit he said his life's work was done and abdicated.Not only abdicated his position as leader of the party,but also any direct responsibility for negotiating the actual exit on terms that will be of any benefit to the UK.

Demolishing a house is easy,designing and building one is more difficult.

So Angelfire why are you a U Kipper.Did Nuttall fire you with the same zeal as Farage.Is Farage planning a return to try to appeal to a wider audience before the party elects a leader who cannot disguise the Fascist leanings of its members and its downward spiral into history continues.

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If I were May, I would be inviting Farage into the party !


---------- Post added 10-06-2017 at 14:06 ----------




They have been dictating how we run our country for way too long.

And... its only Farage who has been constantly reminding us of it. If it were not for him, we would have never been given the chance of a referendum

This EU policy of OPEN BORDERS has not only destroyed our country, but other European countries too.


100% spot on .


---------- Post added 10-06-2017 at 18:51 ----------


Post 16 has been ready and waiting for some time now,about how the EU and immigrants are being scapegoated for your own governments failures on policy,and people standing back to allow immigrants to take jobs that are not acceptable to UK workers,but then get scapegoated for 'taking our jobs'.

Thank god it sounds like there are some youth who know what reality is now instead of living or wanting to return to the dark ages.


Its quite a simple issue . The EU`s obsession with free movement of people caused the UK to vote to leave . Dont blame the people who voted " Leave" , blame the morons in Brussels for their failed attempt at forced multiculturalism in Europe. The EU are right at the heart of the mess we find ourselves in.

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100% spot on .


---------- Post added 10-06-2017 at 18:51 ----------



Its quite a simple issue . The EU`s obsession with free movement of people caused the UK to vote to leave . Dont blame the people who voted " Leave" , blame the morons in Brussels for their failed attempt at forced multiculturalism in Europe. The EU are right at the heart of the mess we find ourselves in.


Where have I said anything about people who had voted leave?

If you had been paying any attention to what i did say,you would have read that I want a hard Brexit,to get the UK out of the single market and away from the EU.

The more you keep on blaming the EU for the mess your own governments caused,the more you validate my point of looking for Scapegoats,now grow a backbone and take responsibility for your own mess that you find yourselves in today,when you stop finding excuses and accept responsibility,you might begin to find a way out of it.

As for a failure of forced multiculturalism,have a read of this,and then choose yourself whether you want to stay in the stone age,or join the real world,the Genie aint going back in the bottle:



Edited by chalga
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I'm happy for Farage to return.


Like it or not he's the lightning rod for millions of people who want a specific type of Brexit. They have to have a voice and everybody has to take something from the Brexit process. Hell fight the corner for a certain section of the electorate. That's important. They can't just be dismissed.

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exactly, whys britain "different" no other countries have an issue with the EU, its a gang, trouble is we have ideas above our station and think we are special.....well, some of us do


I must apologise on behalf of myself and others that do not wish to be in a gang and wish to be a nation in our own right . Sorry if you think that I have ideas above my station

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