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Ten reasons why I believe Theresa May should resign

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This is politics and government not some sporting event or reality show.


The public has exercised a democratic right and the votes are cast. It's happening.


I wont be bringing anything on.


I will be getting on with my life and my job and exercising my democratic right using my freedom of choice and opinion all over again whenever such time arises.


Does that include supporting the DUP?

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Nothing. I'm referring to the support for power sharing with the DUP.


One step closer to getting the Tories out.


Yes I suppose technically you are right. You will need a different party to win a majority at an election and being as we have just had one YES I suppose we are one step closer to you possibly having a chance of that happening.


You know it's exactly like 26th December being one step closer to Christmas.


I muted in previous threads how you would react if the election didn't go your way. Certainly wasn't wrong in my thoughts.

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The lesser of two evils.


It was either The Tories and the DUP , or Corbin and The SNP


Id take the DUP everyday before the SNP .


---------- Post added 10-06-2017 at 21:55 ----------



Strange, i dont see him and his socialist nutjobs in No10 .


So you think it's worth destabilising Northern Ireland so that your favourite party can hold onto power at any price?


You should read up on how long it took to get a peace agreement between all sides even now one wrong move could easily start it up again. By going into a coalition with DUP the oppersition like Sinn Fienn will see this has a threat to the power sharing agreement which is overseen by UK Prime Minister clearly you see this has a price worth paying so the Tories can stay in power.

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Guest sibon
Yes I suppose technically you are right. You will need a different party to win a majority at an election and being as we have just had one YES I suppose we are one step closer to you possibly having a chance of that happening.


You know it's exactly like 26th December being one step closer to Christmas.


I muted in previous threads how you would react if the election didn't go your way. Certainly wasn't wrong in my thoughts.


We are hurtling towards a second election. May might not see the week out. There are plenty of reports of insubordination from the Tory front and back benches. I don't think that the Tory left are going to take this DUP thing lying down.

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Yes I suppose technically you are right. You will need a different party to win a majority at an election and being as we have just had one YES I suppose we are one step closer to you possibly having a chance of that happening.


You know it's exactly like 26th December being one step closer to Christmas.


I muted in previous threads how you would react if the election didn't go your way. Certainly wasn't wrong in my thoughts.


It went very much our way. Who could have predicted this outcome?


It's a long game.


The important thing now is to focus on what the Tories tried to offer in this election. We can make hay with that for years.


---------- Post added 10-06-2017 at 23:22 ----------


We are hurtling towards a second election. May might not see the week out. There are plenty of reports of insubordination from the Tory front and back benches. I don't think that the Tory left are going to take this DUP thing lying down.


I'd expect a hook-up with the DUP to trigger a few Tory MP resignations within months.


Three by-election losses and May can't get a majority even with the DUP

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