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Ten reasons why I believe Theresa May should resign

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I'm glad you've finally come to the correct conclusion.


What a shame that it took the precipitation of a national crisis to educate you.

.........no! it started years ago when a plumber called to mend a faulty hot water tap,spending over an hour evangelizing me about Socialism and how his forebears had always voted Labour and how greedy the toffs were etc,etc, he then said he would have to go for a part.An hour or so later he came back with some beer aftershave on, spent the next 20 mins under the sink and presently presented me with a bill for £95(£80 for cash).

Of course we all have similar stories to tell like that!.............but it did remind me of the moral high ground!


I should have added that shortly after we found out that a tap washer only had been replaced!

Edited by mossdog
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Please explain how he has won.


Labour's performance has actually done a few things;


1) Brexit is now almost a certainty that it will be a soft one. One of the DUP conditions on Brexit is a soft border with Eire. Also, this alone means that May's threat of "no deal is better than a bad deal" can't be carried out as some sort of deal is needed to have a soft border.


2) The expansion of grammar schools is dead. There is no possibility such legislation can be carried through with all her back benchers onboard.


Those two things alone seem pretty significant.

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So you think it's worth destabilising Northern Ireland so that your favourite party can hold onto power at any price?


You should read up on how long it took to get a peace agreement between all sides even now one wrong move could easily start it up again. By going into a coalition with DUP the oppersition like Sinn Fienn will see this has a threat to the power sharing agreement which is overseen by UK Prime Minister clearly you see this has a price worth paying so the Tories can stay in power.


If people really think that there's a chance the IRA will return to violence over this, then surely that's a reason the Good Friday peace agreement should never have been signed in the first place. Why should I as a British citizen have my Government act impartial when dealing with people who seek Irish unification?


Our Government should act in the whole of the UK's interest and if the vile IRA terrorist Gerry Adams is not happy, then tough. The Good Friday agreement was signed by Unionists because they were forced into a corner by Blair, Clinton, Dublin and the EU, who lined up behind IRA terrorists, who had guns and semtex under the table.


If Labour had won the election, then would the vile terrorist sympathisers Corbyn and McDonnell have been impartial regarding Northern Ireland, I think not.

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If people really think that there's a chance the IRA will return to violence over this, then surely that's a reason the Good Friday peace agreement should never have been signed in the first place. Why should I as a British citizen have my Government act impartial when dealing with people who seek Irish unification?


Our Government should act in the whole of the UK's interest and if the vile IRA terrorist Gerry Adams is not happy, then tough. The Good Friday agreement was signed by Unionists because they were forced into a corner by Blair, Clinton, Dublin and the EU, who lined up behind IRA terrorists, who had guns and semtex under the table.


If Labour had won the election, then would the vile terrorist sympathisers Corbyn and McDonnell have been impartial regarding Northern Ireland, I think not.



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be careful what you wish for, we may get Boris soon.................


on the whole she hasn't done a bad job, the decision to hold the election proved, in retrospect, to be a poor one and I'm sure she will do the decent thing in a few weeks.


---------- Post added 11-06-2017 at 10:56 ----------



There aren't really the options which were available in 2010. In 2010, there was a possibility that the labour party could have cobbled together a majority from the other parties. This wasn't available here.


The only option to produce a majority is the conservatives plus one of the smaller parties.

I doubt the SNP or Lib Dems would run into such an arrangement which only leaves the DUP.


The only other alternative is a conservative minority government followed by a labour minority government when that falls.


Either way, we're in for a bit of a white knuckle ride over the next few months.


She could have gone ahead with a minority. The DUP were likely to vote with them anyway on most major issues, and sinn fein are not there so are not available to the opposition. At least that way they wouldn't have been in hock to the DUP.

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