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Ten reasons why I believe Theresa May should resign

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This is why May is dangerous. It's being discussed on another thread but she seems to make very bad snap decisions. The decision to go to the queen within 24 hours of the election with the DuP shoring her up was one of those rapid bad decisions.


Theresa May takes the most simple and easy short-term path for herself every single time, with complete disregard for long-term consequences.


Utterly dangerous for our country.


I agree. Every move seems more and more panicky.


When she became PM the official story was that she never made snap decisions, and that she thought things through first. Well that's been well and truly blown to bits.


When she became Prime Minister, I thought she seemed the best of the Conservative bunch, and certainly a safer pair of hands than someone like Boris. Boris might say some daft things, but she's proven that she can and will make dafter and more dangerous decisions.

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she didn't really have a choice but to go and go then


Yes she did. I agree she couldn't mess around for weeks like in 2010, because of the Brexit timetable, but she did have the luxury of a few days at least.

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I agree. Every move seems more and more panicky.


When she became PM the official story was that she never made snap decisions, and that she thought things through first. Well that's been well and truly blown to bits.


When she became Prime Minister, I thought she seemed the best of the Conservative bunch, and certainly a safer pair of hands than someone like Boris. Boris might say some daft things, but she's proven that she can and will make dafter and more dangerous decisions.


be careful what you wish for, we may get Boris soon.................


on the whole she hasn't done a bad job, the decision to hold the election proved, in retrospect, to be a poor one and I'm sure she will do the decent thing in a few weeks.


---------- Post added 11-06-2017 at 10:56 ----------


Yes she did. I agree she couldn't mess around for weeks like in 2010, because of the Brexit timetable, but she did have the luxury of a few days at least.


There aren't really the options which were available in 2010. In 2010, there was a possibility that the labour party could have cobbled together a majority from the other parties. This wasn't available here.


The only option to produce a majority is the conservatives plus one of the smaller parties.

I doubt the SNP or Lib Dems would run into such an arrangement which only leaves the DUP.


The only other alternative is a conservative minority government followed by a labour minority government when that falls.


Either way, we're in for a bit of a white knuckle ride over the next few months.

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"Theresa May’s plan to govern with DUP support thrown into confusion

No 10 announces deal has been reached, but is then forced to backtrack after Democratic Unionists say negotiations are continuing"






Another back track from an official Downing St statement.

How many more lies or at least false statements are we going to be put out. Was she actually at the meeting?

Does nobody check before they are put out.

Edited by bazjea
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"Theresa May’s plan to govern with DUP support thrown into confusion

No 10 announces deal has been reached, but is then forced to backtrack after Democratic Unionists say negotiations are continuing"






Another back track from an official Downing St statement.

How many more lies or at least false statements are we going to be put out. Was she actually at the meeting?

Does nobody check before they are put out.


Coalition of chaos, or maybe just chaos

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Coalition of chaos, or maybe just chaos


A lot of foreign news outlets predict chaos and instability for England. Many say UK lacks proper leadership and the media still has too much control in pushing pulling voters who simply believe the lies.


The ship is sinking, the captain stays on board till the very last. We have a very bad captain, she will see a storm coming and change the wheel without looking or realising the new direction will cause a collision with an iceberg.

Edited by dutch
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be careful what you wish for, we may get Boris soon.................

When (implementing) Brexit reared its ugly head

He bravely turned his tail and fled

Yes, brave Sir Boris turned about

And gallantly he chickened out

Bravely taking to his feet

He beat a very brave retreat

Bravest of the brave, Sir Boris!


(with apologies to Monty Python)


I don't think we'll have Boris as PM any time soon as he doesn't want to be held responsible for the mess that is Brexit.

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The result of the Election has left us with a mess in the Governance of the country and a Party clinging onto power with the support of a Terrorist Sympathising ultra Right-Wing party in Ulster.


Whilst I recognise that the Conservatives were the biggest party (In terms of votes and seats) and fully support their right to attempt to form the next Government I don’t believe this should be with the current P.M in charge and here’s my 10 reasons for saying this (feel free to add others).


1. Calling of the Election- After repeatedly saying she wouldn’t call one she (co-incidentally when it matched an over 20 point lead in polls) following a walk in the Welsh hillside decided to call one when she had a perfectly workable majority.

2. An opponent who was loathed by huge numbers of people- She was taking on an opponent who had the lowest competency ratings amongst the Electorate that I can call

3. An opponent who was not supported by his own Party- His own MP’s had no confidence in him and who have been very lukewarm in the support of him during this campaign

4. Dianne Abbot- She was handed on a plate two huge gaffes from the Shadow Home Secretary from which I couldn’t see Labour coming back

5. Refusal to take part in a debate- A huge own goal by not taking part in this. I fail to see how performing and doing badly can be any worse than refusing to take part so just do it and fight your corner

6. Support from the media- Walking past newspaper stands on Election Day it was almost all persuading you to vote for her and Sky News coverage was a disgrace with more air time being given to her visiting empty farmhouses than Corbyns rallies in front of thousands

7. Huge funding from businesses- Rumour has it that she had 10 times as much to spend on her campaign than Labour

8. Losing a 20-25 point Opinion Poll lead- I can’t recall a Party ever leading by that much in polls, let alone nearly losing it all in 6-7 weeks

9. Her Campaign strategy- She just didn’t clink with the Electorate, she seemed uncomfortable in front of the cameras, big crowds and meeting people

10. Her policies- Her idea to re-introduce Fox Hunting appalled lots of people and the idea to introduce the “Dementia Tax” naffed off a lot of her own supporters


In my eyes all of the above were either errors of her own making, or the provision of opportunities given to her to assist in getting the huge majority she craved and she has just failed miserably.


The consequence of the above has now resulted in the current chaos and with a Prime Minister having to rely on the support of a Terrorist Sympathising, Ant-Gay, Anti-Gay and Creationist Party to continue governing and she should do the decent thing and resign.

Some will say legitimately what/who would replace her and that’s down to the Tory party. I see two options more preferable than this:


The first is someone else within the Party who has got the leadership qualities needed for Governing and Brexit.


The other is some form of Government of National Unity for 2 years to get Brexit sorted before going to the Polls again.



Just to say, Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser, and a good friend of the IRA as well. Also he would remove the nukes from our Submarines, and given chance send our Aircraft carriers out to sea without any planes on them. He cannot be a lifetime pacifist, just to drop his ideas to attain high office. The man is a con artist and has pulled the wool over his sympathisers eyes, who in their hatered of the Tory Party have swallowed his drivel, hook, line and sinker.


My lot, UKip should now take to the stage and wave goodbye as they are finished. Unless Nigel could be persuaded to return of course.



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