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Ten reasons why I believe Theresa May should resign

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Just to say, Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser, and a good friend of the IRA as well.

WE KNOW, its been front page of the sun for the past 2 weeks and the tories have been shouting from the housetops about it too, bunch of hypocrites

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He cannot be a lifetime pacifist, just to drop his ideas to attain high office.


i'm not sure he is a pacifist, the fact that he doesn't want to invade everywhere and drop bombs on innocent civilians, even if they are muslim, doesn't make him a pacifist.


anyway, what if he is? why shouldn't he have a go. it's not like the warmongers have been wildly successful.

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WE KNOW, its been front page of the sun for the past 2 weeks and the tories have been shouting from the housetops about it too, bunch of hypocrites



What's alarming is, I know you know and others know as well. But they still voted for him. WHY?.



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What's alarming is, I know you know and others know as well. But they still voted for him. WHY?.




no one voted for him, apart from the people in his constituency no one had the opportunity to vote for him.


the program, as per the manifesto, was a positive, largely social democratic vision of the future which contrasted very favourably with the offerings of the other parties.


people voted for that, in a few months when the next election comes along, they will vote for it again,

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What's alarming is, I know you know and others know as well. But they still voted for him. WHY?.




because its really not as important as people make out. Its not like he donned IRA uniform and ran round shooting people.

All lefties supported the Catholic irish issue but not the violence. he wanted peace and helped broker peace by talking.


By the way you do know it was Thatchers government that talked to Mcguiness and persuaded him to help broker peace?

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What's alarming is, I know you know and others know as well. But they still voted for him. WHY?.




Because everybody is not as narrow minded,full of hate and willing to accept what the Daily Right Wing Rags are begging them to listen to,it's called democracy.

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Guest sibon
What's alarming is, I know you know and others know as well. But they still voted for him. WHY?.




Let's hope that all of the right wing parties share your confusion. If they don't get it, then they can't counter it.

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WE KNOW, its been front page of the sun for the past 2 weeks and the tories have been shouting from the housetops about it too, bunch of hypocrites


Do you think the Daily Mail will run a 13 page feature on the DUP and their links to terrorism?

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Guest sibon
Do you think the Daily Mail will run a 13 page feature on the DUP and their links to terrorism?


Do you think that the Daily Mail have the slightest influence over UK elections any more:D


They can publish what they like, The Canary is where it's at.

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