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Is Rolf Harris a nice man?

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Well, is he? I have the distinct feeling that the Australian 'all round entertainer' is actually rather sinister and unpleasant. What makes me say such a thing, you may well ask? Watch closely when Rolf presents Animal Hospital. There was an episode where I am convinced that he was deliberately twisting a West Highland Terrier puppy's paw. I saw the cruel smile playing about his lips when an elderly cat failed to regain consciousness after a kidney operation. I also suspect that he was being sarcastic when he dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief, 'tearfully' saying, 'I've never known tension like it, viewers' when a stick insect was under the anaesthetic. I would not be surprised if he maims the animals himself. The man has the look of a fiend with his devilish goatee. In any case,what sort of deranged, demented mind writes songs that mock the disabled [or the 'differently abled', as some prefer] like 'Jake the Peg'? What manner of deviant pens tunes called 'Tie me Kangaroo down , sport'? And as for 'Two little Boys', comment would be superfluous.


No, Rolf Harris is not a nice man at all and should not be allowed to indulge his sadistic, deviant appetites on British television. What do you think? Of course, if Rolf Harris himself reads this, he will realise that we all know that he is a great guy and popular entertainer in reality guilty of none of the above or following 'crimes'. All is in the affectionate spirit of good-natured persiflage...

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I drew him a picture of a monkey i saw on holiday when i was 8 and he wrote back saying i was wasting his time as it looked nothing like a monkey


He also sent round some heavies to 'sort out' my knees.


I still limp.

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i want to know why, he wants to tie the kangaroo down


To put bags of heroin in its pouch then he'll fly the little critter out of Oz.


It's how he funds his wobble board habit.

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I think his sprawling grey beard and hair are quite disturbing and I don't know why he hasn't cut either of them, in so many years. His 'Art Club' programme was particularly sinister. I'm sure he had the children seated round a circular table in a black room with no windows, sneaking up on them with a black pen to correct their 'mistakes'.


Syko you poor thing, surely you could claim for that kind of childhood trauma?? I'm sure your monkey was very good.

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Yes, Harris is a nasty piece of work. One can imagine him putting spiteful pen to paper, and writing to the young Syko, thinking 'This'll upset the little pommy *******...'


I have heard tales of the Australian yahoo giving the 'v' sign to distraught pensioners at Chester Zoo recently too. Apparently, some were incontinent with fear thinking that the bearded yob was Osama Bin Laden. What is needed is a 'Rolf Watch' on television, where people can keep tabs on the Antipodean menace's activities.

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