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Is Rolf Harris a nice man?

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I referred earlier to Harris's cruel and twisted choice of holiday recreation; that of Pilot Whale culling in the Faroe Isles. Allegedly, Harris has a long history of partaking in cruel and sadistic 'holiday fun'. Again, my impeccable source [Mrs Betty Groin of the Ormskirk Advertiser] informs me that Harris has previously been sighted at Spanish 'Blood Festivals' where tethered animals are brutalised in the name of 'celebration '. Allegedly, Harris begged the Mayor of a small Spanish town to allow him to hurl a calf from the local church spire. Animal Rights activists claim that Harris enthusiastically joined in with the bull-running, pig-sticking, stoning of rabbits and chickens buried up to their necks and goat-hurling. 'The worst of it all', claims activist and student, Gideon Ben-Dover, 'was the sick 'Eefing and Arfing' while the animals were being battered'. Afterwards it is claimed that Harris treated the roaring, bloodthirsty Spanish crowds to an obscene version of 'Two little Boys', and performed a striptease dressed as 'Jake the Peg'. Allegedly, conditions of near- riot followed.

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I regret my slight digression from this thread topic, timo, but the said Mrs. Betty Groin you mention as now being employed by the Ormskirk Advertiser rings a bell in the back of my mind.


I wonder if she could be the same Mrs. Betty Groin who worked as a Proof Reader for poorly sighted vagrants attracted to the Wines and Spirits Section of the Take-it With-You Store in the grounds of Roche Abbey, Maltby?


I realise the two industries are non-related, but she may now be, perhaps, Proof Reader at the O.A, Ormskirk..........


Just a thought

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Reply to artisan :)


It's obvious that it's written in Hipperholmese to me.......


I can't understand the posts coming from there either, most of the time :)

Niether do I and I write half of them, while I am awake.

Some I think I do while I am in communication with a higher plane (maybe Shelf) :D

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Mrs Groin informs me that she was indeed formerly a Proof Reader for the Take-it-With- You shop. In actual fact, she juggled duties in the grounds of Roche Abbey with night-shifts at Maltby's Stanley Tools and weekend work at 'Abdul's Mini Market', Pitsmoor. So don't say I never tell you anything.

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Mrs Groin informs me that she was indeed formerly a Proof Reader for the Take-it-With- You shop. In actual fact, she juggled duties in the grounds of Roche Abbey with night-shifts at Maltby's Stanley Tools and weekend work at 'Abdul's Mini Market', Pitsmoor. So don't say I never tell you anything.


I am so pleased timo.


I thought I had missed taking my Altzeimer's Pill last night......


or was it the night before or.......


Sorry, do I know you? :confused:

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Got to thinking about this thread last night, during my cocoa-drinking moment.


Wasn't Mr.H somehow implicated in the Antepodean Wombat Wars circa 1893?


Or perhaps the Great Outback Witchety Grub Scandal 1912, a result which caused food shortages for a time in Aussieland?


I may be wrong :confused:

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I am afraid that on this occasion someone must have spiked your cocoa. Harris is responsible for no such things. If we are going to publicly hold the man accountable for his crimes against humanity, we must get the facts straight. Your David Irvingesque 'Historical Revisionism' is counter to our purposes here. It was Frank Ifield who was implicated in the Antipodean Wombat Wars, and accused of ordering various horrific massacres and forced marches of pows. Jason Donovan's Great Grandfather is generally believed to have deliberately caused the food shortages, and masterminded the use of 'Miracle Grow' [which can kill anything] as a defoliant and poison in his pogroms against Aboriginal folk.

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