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Is Rolf Harris a nice man?

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If the evidence so far is not enough to convince posters of Harris's depravity, what about the case of a certain female Scots ex-presenter and nude model, famed for her flowing locks? Allegedly, she recently agreed to appear on Animal Hospital with the bearded 'entertainer' . The plan got as far as rehearsal stage. According to journalist sources at the influential Budley Salterton Argus , the young woman left ' severely traumatised', half way through filming the episode. The poor Scots ex-presenter and nude model must have witnessed something so atrocious as to make the senses reel. Just look at her now- as bald as a Coot...

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I am afraid that on this occasion someone must have spiked your cocoa. Harris is responsible for no such things. If we are going to publicly hold the man accountable for his crimes against humanity, we must get the facts straight. Your David Irvingesque 'Historical Revisionism' is counter to our purposes here. It was Frank Ifield who was implicated in the Antipodean Wombat Wars, and accused of ordering various horrific massacres and forced marches of pows. Jason Donovan's Great Grandfather is generally believed to have deliberately caused the food shortages, and masterminded the use of 'Miracle Grow' [which can kill anything] as a defoliant and poison in his pogroms against Aboriginal folk.


Let's not denigrate Frank Ifield, the late and great singer, timo.


He had nothing to do with the Wombat Wars. As I remember it, he had a No.1 hit with the song "I Remember You" in the very late '50s and followed it up with "On The Street Where You Live", two songs close to my heart......in a late pubescent sort of way. Magic moments in my teenage awakening.


I will not sit here and listen to your geriatric ramblings denigrating the heroes from my youth.


As the late, great Lonnie Donegan used to sing.....you should be "Alabamy Bound" :hihi:

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Well, is he? I have the distinct feeling that the Australian 'all round entertainer' is actually rather sinister and unpleasant. What makes me say such a thing, you may well ask? Watch closely when Rolf presents Animal Hospital. There was an episode where I am convinced that he was deliberately twisting a West Highland Terrier puppy's paw. I saw the cruel smile playing about his lips when an elderly cat failed to regain consciousness after a kidney operation. I also suspect that he was being sarcastic when he dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief, 'tearfully' saying, 'I've never known tension like it, viewers' when a stick insect was under the anaesthetic. I would not be surprised if he maims the animals himself. The man has the look of a fiend with his devilish goatee. In any case,what sort of deranged, demented mind writes songs that mock the disabled [or the 'differently abled', as some prefer] like 'Jake the Peg'? What manner of deviant pens tunes called 'Tie me Kangaroo down , sport'? And as for 'Two little Boys', comment would be superfluous.


No, Rolf Harris is not a nice man at all and should not be allowed to indulge his sadistic, deviant appetites on British television. What do you think?


Top post. I just love it. Can't stand the woolly faced kanga sh****r. :twisted::gag:

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Top post. I just love it. Can't stand the woolly faced kanga sh****r. :twisted::gag:


Don't be taken in HR...timo is a person of multiple personalities.....swears he drinks the best vintage wines, but shops in Netto on Fridays, Lidl on Saturdays and drinks Coca-Cola at the weekends.........he's just on a trip mate....and it's not on the Orient Express either.......:)

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Let's not denigrate Frank Ifield, the late and great singer, timo.


He had nothing to do with the Wombat Wars. As I remember it, he had a No.1 hit with the song "I Remember You" in the very late '50s and followed it up with "On The Street Where You Live", two songs close to my heart......in a late pubescent sort of way. Magic moments in my teenage awakening.


I will not sit here and listen to your geriatric ramblings denigrating the heroes from my youth.


As the late, great Lonnie Donegan used to sing.....you should be "Alabamy Bound" :hihi:


I try to alert the general public to the Antipodean menaces in their midst, and this is what I get in return! It does not surprise me that you quote that skiffle-crazed beast, Donegan. How very typical of a former teenage cinema seat-slasher and bicycle chain-wielder. Where's your washboard?

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I try to alert the general public to the Antipodean menaces in their midst, and this is what I get in return! It does not surprise me that you quote that skiffle-crazed beast, Donegan. How very typical of a former teenage cinema seat-slasher and bicycle chain-wielder. Where's your washboard?


Up me trousers, where its always been....

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