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Is Rolf Harris a nice man?

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well i think you can tell a lot about people by the way they judge others without meeting them. rolf is obviously a nice person and anyone who thiks he's not is rolfist.


what a profound remark Mikey:)

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When I worked on days for NCP in Leicester, I was sitting in the control room and Harris appeared on the monitor of level one of the St Peters car park.


Its sad that he appeared in the day, because if I had seen him when I was on the night shifts, I would have run him ragged.


We used to switch lifts and pay machines on and off, making customers climb flights of stairs to get their exit ticket, then we`d send them back down and around and around this huge car park until they were exhausted.

I penned a story in the writers group about one of my special little victims so anyone who read that will know what Im babbling about.


In short, I would have made him go on a walkabout from hell.

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not as much as it does when you start on about the lizards:hihi:


Look here you.


All you have to do is squint at the telly when Bush is talking and you can see it.




And i wouldnt be suprised if Rolf was one too....


flamin' reptile scumbags:)

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Look here you.


All you have to do is squint at the telly when Bush is talking and you can see it.




And i wouldnt be suprised if Rolf was one too....


flamin' reptile scumbags:)


dont tell anyone but i quite like the cut of mr ike's jib:o

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  • 1 year later...

He's at it again!




Rolf Harris says sorry for racist song lyrics... then goes on to slam 'lazy' Aborigines


It was the song which made his name both in Britain and his native Australia.

But Rolf Harris came to regret the lyrics in his 1960 hit Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport for their racist slur against Aborigines. Yesterday, the veteran entertainer apologised for the reference to 'Abos' in the song.

However, Mr Harris, 78, then went on to undo all his good intentions by telling Aborigines to 'get up off your arse and clean up the streets your bloody self'.

He was referring to communities of indigenous Australians who complain about their poverty and filthy conditions.


The reaction in Sydney's Redfern district, where many Aborigines live, was anger coupled with calls for a further apology.

'It's a disgrace. He's got to watch his lip,' said one young man.

'It's the same old story – kick the Aborigine in the guts and blame him for everything.'

Mr Harris had initially sought to make amends for the lyrics: 'Let me Abos go loose, Lou… They're of no further use, Lou.'

He said he had tried to replace 'Abo' with 'emu' in recordings over the years but with limited success. 'It was a mark of the times, done innocently with no realisation that you would offend at all,' he said.


'I just trying to create a fun song for a bunch of Aussies who were drinking themselves stupid on Swan Lager in London at the time.'

The new controversy erupted as Mr Harris launched a book of illustrations in Melbourne during a visit from his base in London. He turned the grievances of many Aborigines back on to the people themselves.

'You sit at home watching the television and you think to yourself, "Get up off your arse and clean up the streets your bloody self" and why would you expect somebody to come in and clean up your garbage, which you've dumped everywhere? 'But then you have to think that it's a different attitude to life.'

He said Aboriginal children were never disciplined or expected to adhere to rules until adulthood. 'Till then, they have a totally carefree life to do what they want and that quite often involves smashing everything that they have,' he told The Age newspaper.

Mr Harris blamed Aboriginal traditional values for the appalling conditions in many communities.


He added: 'The attitude is that, in their original way of life, they would really wreck the surrounding countryside that they lived in and they would leave all the garbage and they would go walkabout to the next place.

'The traditional attitude is still there and I wish there was a simple solution – but I'm not certain.'

Mr Harris has previously apologised for the song lyrics, telling Radio Scotland in 2006 that he had not sung the offending verse since 1960. 'I have great love and respect for the Aborigines,' he said.


The song was recorded in an era when racism against indigenous Australians was rife.

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He told people who live in a filthy slum to get off their arse and clean it themselves, because the litter didn't come from anybody but them?


Exactly how is this supposed to be a bad thing?


Because it wasn't all the people living in the area he was referring to, just those of a specific race.


Do you understand the concept of racism or are you being deliberately moronic?

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It`s a sad fact that it is people who defile the area they live in. It`s not a good way of life to desecrate an area then move on to somewhere else. no matter what the racial group, people everywhere are all too willing to leave it to someone else to clear up the mess they have made. And it doesn`t only apply to physical detritus.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm sorry to have to resurrect an old thread but "lest we forget" etc


I just saw Rolf Harris in Atkinsons on The Moor. I was looking for some shot glasses as we have some whisky drinking friends coming over this weekend and who should I see perusing the Julian Graves section but the bearded songster and maker of mirth himself, Rolf.


He seemed to be unsure as to whether to buy some chewable zinc lozenges or a bag of pitted prunes. As he was deliberating an elderly lady accidently nudged him as she was leaning over to buy some Dr Stuart's Triple Ginseng Tea.


Well the air turned blue! I've never in my life heard such a foul mouthed invective from the Antipodean artist. "Effin' this" and "soddin' that" he raved whilst hitting the little old lady over the head with a box of Panda Liquorice Mix.


Security and staff soon restrained him with the use of some stem ginger inserted into an orifice but the whole episode left me shocked and startled.


Still, for all his foul mouthed and violent granny bashing tendancies I still think he is a lovely man. :)

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