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It would all be so much better if women were in charge

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This issue is a Russian mischief seed, like all the other social justice issues raging on, that's been planted and grown out of control. We're tearing each other apart over absolute nonsense while the Kremlin sits back and laughs at us all.


Really? Try telling that to the suffragettes.


Is the desire to achieve a more equal playing field between the sexes 'absolute nonsense'?

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As I alluded to earlier, note how the two previous Home Office ministers managed the Windrush generation situation. As women I would have thought they would have treated the situation with much more care and compassion...so what happened?


I think much of what is the establishment: westminster politics, finance, print and broadcast media have developed practices and procedures over the decades which embody values that are the antithesis of care and compassion.


Perhaps those men and women who slide up the greasy pole in any of these institutions have to do so by suppressing any caring or compassion for the people caught up in the scandal.


Of course there are exceptions - people who succeed in those institutions without sacrificing any of their integrity or humanitarian instincts can make a huge difference to people's lives.


I don't think those qualities are specific to women; but as we've seen over the past decade a number of scandals in those institutions, (such as MPs expenses, the behaviour of some bankers which led to the financial crisis, and the activities of journalists which led to the Leveson Inquiry); integrity and care seem to be qualities lacking in some at the heart of the establishment.


---------- Post added 01-05-2018 at 19:22 ----------


Edited by Mister M
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Classic demonisation of women tactic. Well done; women are all liars.


Classic ignorance, where exactly did I mention that 'women are all liars' :huh: Why don't you stop lying yourself or learn to read what is actually written and not what the prejudiced, bias thoughts in your dull, pedantic mind interpret :roll:

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Yet more posts have been removed.

For those of you that somehow missed earlier warnings, the bickering and personal comments end here.


Also, the thread is about Women in Power/Politics. Stay on topic please.

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So, what we've learned is, when it comes to politics and running things, there is no actual evidence that women would do a better job.


I think we need a TV program where a female-only group attempt to start their own civilisation... then we'll see if they can do it constructively or if it turns in to a shambles.

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So, what we've learned is, when it comes to politics and running things, there is no actual evidence that women would do a better job.


I think we need a TV program where a female-only group attempt to start their own civilisation... then we'll see if they can do it constructively or if it turns in to a shambles.


Already got it , Loose Women :)

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So, what we've learned is,


...that SF still has more than it's fair share of small minded men who are insecure, frightened and labouring under the delusion that giving women a fair crack of the whip represents a threat to their fragile egos.

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So, what we've learned is, when it comes to politics and running things, there is no actual evidence that women would do a better job.


I think we need a TV program where a female-only group attempt to start their own civilisation... then we'll see if they can do it constructively or if it turns in to a shambles.


I learnt that you don't care if something is true or not.


"it appears that thrpughout history women have been just as bloodthirsty and ready to bring war as the men"

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