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It would all be so much better if women were in charge

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...that SF still has more than it's fair share of small minded men who are insecure, frightened and labouring under the delusion that giving women a fair crack of the whip represents a threat to their fragile egos.


I'm happy for everyone to have a fair crack... what I'm not convinced of is that someone is as good or better than someone else simply because of their genitals.


A woman wouldn't run things better simply because she's a woman - it will be a number of factors built up over her lifetime that will determine whether she's any good or not. Just as some men have succeeded and other men haven't.


I just want the best person for the job - do I dislike Theresa May because she's a woman? No! I dislike her because I don't think she's particularly good... but that goes for most politicians that have come before her and those around now. I didn't like Cameron much either. I've voted for women in local elections before because I liked their causes, not because they were women, and that's the same with male candidates.

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