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It would all be so much better if women were in charge

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You're the one that seems to think women are all women are one homogenous group, and you set yourself up as some sort of spokesman, sorry, spokesperson, on their behalf.


Doubtless you'll be able to quote something I've said to substantiate that claim...


---------- Post added 30-04-2018 at 17:40 ----------


One good reason why we'd all be better off if women were in charge is that we'd almost certainly have fewer wars.


With the exception of the Falklands war (Thatcher) nearly all wars have been started by men.

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Doubtless you'll be able to quote something I've said to substantiate that claim...


---------- Post added 30-04-2018 at 17:40 ----------


One good reason why we'd all be better off if women were in charge is that we'd almost certainly have fewer wars.


With the exception of the Falklands war (Thatcher) nearly all wars have been started by men.


Thatcher didn't start the war the Argies did.


---------- Post added 30-04-2018 at 19:18 ----------


Halibut already pointed out the entirely made up number.

But how do you imagine women "put" their photo in the press, are they taking out adverts?




Check it out, some women there, 0% are scantily clad or posing. Why do you imagine that how they dress though is any of your business? :suspect:


If I buy a paper and the pose near naked it is my business,I am paying for them.

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Men use exactly the same excuse when they use and abuse prostitutes. Classy.




Use and abuse?

Surely you mean pay and play?

These grown adults (mostly) offer a service. People pay for that service. If the punter gets violent then yeah, thats different. Thats assault. Simply buying what they are selling is not abusing and using them.

Next youll be saying high class call girls who earn more in a week than the average person does in 6 months are being oppressed.

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Use and abuse?

Surely you mean pay and play?

These grown adults (mostly) offer a service. People pay for that service. If the punter gets violent then yeah, thats different. Thats assault. Simply buying what they are selling is not abusing and using them.


I suggest you read as much testimony as you can from prostitutes before you start deciding whether they feel used or not. You can't possibly speak for them.

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Neither can you,prostitutes use the sados who pay them.


I reckon thats a fair way to put it.

Problem is we live in an age where all women are oppressed and all men (other than feminist allies) are guilty.

So by default the prostitute is a victim and the punter is a user and abuser.

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Read what they say. Then try thinking. Then get back to us with something halfway sensible.


So I read what they say. And?

How do I know they are being 100% honest and not just jumping on the victim/ #metoo bandwagon for a few moments in the limelight.

It has been known for people to lie you know.

No, its much better to demonize men in the 21st century.

This may be one of the reasons some people are starting to believe there is a war being waged on the white straight man.

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