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How do you become lady mayoress

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Is the route to Mayoress not the same as Mayor!

Being all politically correct and that.


Parish councils can have Mayors/Mayoresses; some are elected and some appointed. Maybe there have been cases where a same sex couple did both roles ;)

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I thought the '-ess' bit had been dropped by the PC / feminist lot. E.G. Isn't it 'Manager' for a woman now instead of 'Manageress' ? Time Princess Anne was a Prince then ?!


'Spotted Richard' for Spotted Dick didn't work for them, nor did wanting Northerners to stop using "Hello Love", and all the rest of their bloody nonsense. Thing is, these people are in well paid jobs for coming up with all this tripe.


This comes to mind as best describing such people...."Intellectuals without intellect, sexless folk whose sexes intersect !"

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How do you become lady mayoress is she elected for the role and what qualifications does she require :)


Being a lady Freemason is bound to help.

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I thought the '-ess' bit had been dropped by the PC / feminist lot. E.G. Isn't it 'Manager' for a woman now instead of 'Manageress' ? Time Princess Anne was a Prince then ?!


'Spotted Richard' for Spotted Dick didn't work for them, nor did wanting Northerners to stop using "Hello Love", and all the rest of their bloody nonsense. Thing is, these people are in well paid jobs for coming up with all this tripe.


This comes to mind as best describing such people...."Intellectuals without intellect, sexless folk whose sexes intersect !"


Do you feel better now?

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Not a bit, do you, living in this mad house ?


Not at the moment, no. But I don't think dropping gender specific language is really paving the road to hell :) and as the OP hasn't clarified if she just means 'how do you become Mayor?' but as she's female has given it female gender, or does she actually mean 'how do you become a Lady Mayoress?' if the later then, yeah, marry the Mayor...:huh:

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Not at the moment, no. But I don't think dropping gender specific language is really paving the road to hell :) and as the OP hasn't clarified if she just means 'how do you become Mayor?' but as she's female has given it female gender, or does she actually mean 'how do you become a Lady Mayoress?' if the later then, yeah, marry the Mayor...:huh:


What do you mean 'or does she actually mean 'how do you become a Lady Mayoress ?', that's exactly what the lady put. She doesn't know what she means,you seem to be saying; not yet re-educated ?

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