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Towering inferno in London

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People demanding answers after 1 hour, 1 day, or 2 days is modern society though.


I will suspect that social media is a big part of that. The expectation to get information on demand has created a generation of rather naive people who think the same instant and unchallenged demands apply to real life situations.


We are in age of misinformation and public outcry and reaction takes more prevalent than practicality and necessity.

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It may well be a crime but I suppose that is what the criminal police investigation is for isn't it.


As for your repeated insistence that this is some catastrophic failure of the social housing system are you trying to actually say that this could never possibly happen in a private dwelling or an exclusive private luxury apartment block or a private office building perhaps or even a private shopping centre?


I am not going to say this again because it's coming tedious - you don't know anything about the fire at this stage.


It is a tragic incident and there could be a major overhaul on ALL buildings as a result of it irrelevant of how expensive they are or who owns them. Can we just stop with the Anti government hysterics trying to claim that this is some mass failure of the entire Council housing regime.


Your posts always start well and seem sensible, then build up into a weirdly spirited defence of the Government.


You don't have to always slavishly defend them

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Can't people just wait and let the professional investigators and fire services get on with their jobs along with the already started criminal Investigations by the police before they start with the wild speculation, rioting and trying to overthrow the government.


It's only been a couple of days since this horrendous incident has taken place. The building is still smoldering and there are areas within it that are still to be accessed.


Despite that, the sickening behaviour and political point scoring from certain groups of people has started all trying to win favour of their own parties stirring up hatred and creating a clear class divide.


Absolutely disgraceful.


Its just like this so called protest that is taking place this afternoon. Whilst I have complete sympathy for the residents who are worrying for missing loved ones and angry about what has happened - I am absolutely sickened by the amount of left wing organisations clearly jumping on the bandwagon as can be evidenced by the amount of socialist worker and other rent and mob organisations waving their banners around.


How dare they use a tragedy where people have lost lives to try and point score for their political allegiance. What the hell has this incident and the victims of it got to do with them. This is not as simple as a good excuse for a good Tory bashing. When the official reason for the Blaze has been discovered it could affect tower blocks and even other buildings all over the country belonging to, built by or controlled by ANY political side.


It's been two days. People have come together to provide support and donations with mobilisation which has been unbelievable. Politicians from all sides have visited site and the PM has immediately ordered a full public inquiry together with the existing fire services investigations and the police have started their criminal one. The government has pledged action will be taken and allocated their initial funding. The audits of any other potentially hazardous buildings has happened today and the local authority are already starting their work attempting to undertake the vast challenge of rehoming these people.


What more do people expect to happen in 48 hours. Being angry is one thing charging a town hall with absolutely no beneficial purpose is a totally different thing.


The focus should be getting these victims rehomed and getting on with the remaining searches for those who tragically lost their lives. It should NOT be creating a inner city riot and stirring the pot and using such a tragic incident as an excuse to try to overthrow the majority elected leader of the majority electric political party.


Superb post , and you have summed it up perfectly.

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I didn't mention the possibility of giving answers immediately. I do think that intervention could be much more robust and much quicker.


I don't trust Public Inquiries either, they can take years and get derailed by Government ministers. I'm pleased that the police have begun a criminal inquiry.


What the people affected need first is swift rehousing and lots of support. There doesn't seem to be much idea how that is going to happen yet. They also need listening to, rather than telling. If that had happened before, we wouldn't be where we are now.


48 hours. what exactly do you think is being delayed?


The people affected are getting support. Search support what's happening within hours of the incident.


Ask for your lack of trust on a public enquiry who exactly are you suggesting should do it. The local authority? The building managers? The architects? The cladding manufacturers? Who would you trust.

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Guest sibon


I am not going to say this again because it's coming tedious - you don't know anything about the fire at this stage.



We actually know loads about the fire. We know about the refurbishment. The planning documents are all public records. I read them yesterday.


We know about the companies who performed the work. We know about their insolvencies and subsequent phoenix like restarts.


We know about the cladding. We know it's Chemistry. We know how it behaves in a variety of situations, thanks to tests from a number of Universities.


There is endess film showing that the fire was propogated in a way that is should not have been.


Most of all, we know that the residents warned of this and were ignored. We know that as a result of that, many people have lost their lives.


It would now be good to see the survivors cared for properly and promptly and those responsible brought to justice swiftly. Instead of letting the politicians kick yet another can down the road.

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Your posts always start well and seem sensible, then build up into a weirdly spirited defence of the Government.


You don't have to always slavishly defend them


Perhaps I like to have things like facts.


Now unless one of you is a professional investigator with a signed and sealed fire report setting out exactly what happened in this incident and a formal conclusion as to changes to legislation required I don't see any reason to attack the government.


I have made it very clear at the start of this thread that any form of political point scoring until proven otherwise when dealing with victims of a tragic fire is sickening. I am not playing ball on this one.

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I will suspect that social media is a big part of that. The expectation to get information on demand has created a generation of rather naive people who think the same instant and unchallenged demands apply to real life situations.


We are in age of misinformation and public outcry and reaction takes more prevalent than practicality and necessity.


I can get you on a train to London in the morning if you want? I'd like to apply you to real life situations.

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