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Towering inferno in London

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Well,this is it,it's when the rhetoric about Corbyn and the nuclear button,he's not a patriot because he doesn't believe in Britain,it's all the Lefties fault,and the EU of course,strong and steady leadership and who would you rather have, becomes redundant.People want answers to actual events,government figures to be accountable to them,responsibilty to be taken and not avoided.........chickens are coming home to roost in a big way now,this government has been in power for too long to not come up with what is required at the moment,the blame game is not enough,not from the people in power or their sycophantic media friends.


Ah yes, that good old rhetoric about Corbyn the terrrorist sympathiser, because he shared a platform with the IRA - as opposed to May who jumped in to bed with the Ulster Unionists.


There's no wonder people are getting angry with journalists, especially the BBC - where you have more chance of what's going on that week on Strictly being the main headline, rather than giving a voice to the millions in this country who have none.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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All of the "stop protesting and wait for the inquiry" brigade might like to read these two excellent articles.


One from the Economist


And one from the Spectator.


Scarcely a pair of lefty rags, but they capture the mood well and explain why answers are needed very quickly.


The good old Economist....


British civilisation is based on respect for private property: the requisition of such property last occurred during the two world wars and was followed by compensation.


Unless it's for HS bloody 2 of course!!

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Jesus Christ.


People have died and their bodies are yet to be fully recovered and already this has descended into tit for tat argument over Corbyn vs May and now HS2 has been brought into it.


This is not a bloody politics argument have some respect.

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Jesus Christ.


People have died and their bodies are yet to be fully recovered and already this has descended into tit for tat argument over Corbyn vs May and now HS2 has been brought into it.


This is not a bloody politics argument have some respect.

well said.
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Jesus Christ.


People have died and their bodies are yet to be fully recovered and already this has descended into tit for tat argument over Corbyn vs May and now HS2 has been brought into it.


This is not a bloody politics argument have some respect.


Sanctomonious much? Of course it bloody is.


And the same arrogance that we see everyday with our council and complaints about Amey, is the same these Londoners still face.

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Jesus Christ.


People have died and their bodies are yet to be fully recovered and already this has descended into tit for tat argument over Corbyn vs May and now HS2 has been brought into it.


This is not a bloody politics argument have some respect.


You won't shutdown what people want to say,so don't even try.The people who are affected and their closest have already politicised it long ago

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Jesus Christ.


People have died and their bodies are yet to be fully recovered and already this has descended into tit for tat argument over Corbyn vs May and now HS2 has been brought into it.


This is not a bloody politics argument have some respect.


Well, actually it is very political now. It has become unavoidable.


Was just on twitter and it's full of Tory supporters trying using deflection tactics. Like you seem to be.


---------- Post added 17-06-2017 at 14:39 ----------


Sanctomonious much? Of course it bloody is.


And the same arrogance that we see everyday with our council and complaints about Amey, is the same these Londoners still face.


Yes, and a critical point there Lex.


This is about politicians of all parties, from all governments, at all levels from national down to local, and over decades.


Their collective decisions have brought us to where we are. All have questions to answer.


And any attempt to shut that down can just as effectively stop a shoddy Labour council, or a shoddy LibDem council being brought to account as it can the current government.


And for the current government it is unavoidably political because they now have to navigate a way through this mess and come out with something better, while ensuring councils up and down the line ensure the safety of their citizens.

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Neoliberals and their supporters are defending a violent form of governance which has brutal, fatal consequences. They have no choice but to employ the well-worn but remarkably effective techniques of distraction, blustering, nay-saying or being 'unavailable for comment'.


This sickening strategy is trotted out after every failure of the free market. Sadly it takes agonising horror and unimaginable grief before people begin to perceive the true dimensions of this cynical, exploitative and deadly ideology

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