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Towering inferno in London

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The victims have every right to be angry and demand answers, I'm just not sure what answers they are expecting right now, it's not even been 72hrs since the blaze was put out.

The firebregade have said it could take weeks before all the victims still inside are recovered and it will take a long time to investigate. They are the experts we should listen to them. The poor souls who survived need practical help now. I don't think that mobs waving get the Tories out placards and storming buildings helps one iota.

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The investigation should be thorough and people should be made to answer,what caused the fire,why did it spread who gave the go ahead for the cladding,like what's been said people protesting and causing trouble on the streets is no help whatsoever.

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Nobody has said that why are you trying to be so silly with things all the time.


48 hours after the flames and there is now a fire brigade investigation the police criminal investigation and there will be a public inquiry.


Its obvious that none of that stuff can happen overnight. What more exactly are people demanding here?


I have absolutely no idea why my answer to this was deleted, since it didn't breach any guidelines, so I'll post it again. Perhaps the protestors want to make a big enough noise now that any subsequent investigations have less chance of being quietly dropped or shelved. The less fuss, the easier that is for the authorities to do. If the people who live(d) on that estate know anything about Hillsborough and Orgreave they will know what can happen if the authorities are left to their own devices.


When things go wrong the instinct of large organisations is to defend themselves and find ways to minimise and deflect criticism. That is part of the psychology of large organisations. They have to be prevented from doing this in response to the Grenfell fire.

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This is the intransigent demeanour of contempt we shall need to get used to as the neoliberal cabal comes under scrutiny for their part in the horrors of Grenfell Tower. It is the same across the globe when the devastating and appalling consequences of neoliberalism are exposed – 'no comment'!


Gavin Barwell, chief of staff to Theresa May, refused to answer the questions of a BBC reporter about a review of building regulations following the fire at Grenfell Tower. Mr Barwell was the housing minister from July 2016 to June 2017.

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like what's been said people protesting and causing trouble on the streets is no help whatsoever.

may not be any help but it damn well makes people feel better


on the net ive been feeling a bit of class anger slowly building after this, i think after years of apathy, people are now starting to get fed up with the status quo (no not them, ed) and the ruling elite.


Weve had around a decade of austerity cuts, low wages, everything else rising, services being cut. Do you really think the rich have been having austerity cuts and low wages?

Theyve been raking it in off the backs of the masses, now people are getting peed off with it. These deaths maybe the start of it. People are angry.


The best people have been doing is fighting against one another for the crumbs, what with UKIP, the EU, Immigration, Refugees, Terrorism.


Its a class war not a race war.

Edited by melthebell
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During the repairs at Grenfell Tower, insulation boards were added to the outside walls. The company which made them, Celotex, told BBC news the material used conformed to safety regulations and was designed to smoulder rather than catch fire. The boards were fitted to the walls behind aluminium panels. It's been reported that a cheaper, less fire resistant version of the panels was supplied, and that the difference in cost for the total insulation was just £5,000, but Harley Facades, the company which carried out the work, says it does not recognise that figure.


Here's what Metro online is reporting about Ray Bailey of Harley Facades:


The man behind the company that fitted £3million worth of cladding on Grenfell Tower, has spent the last 48 hours hiding in his £1million home.


Ray Bailey has remained in the large house in Crowborough, East Sussex, since the incident took place in west London on Wednesday morning. Mr Bailey’s wife and company secretary, Belinda, spoke out from the couple’s mansion this afternoon insisting that there ‘was nothing to say’ about the disaster.


Once again, there's that 'No comment'!



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This is the intransigent demeanour of contempt we shall need to get used to as the neoliberal cabal comes under scrutiny for their part in the horrors of Grenfell Tower. It is the same across the globe when the devastating and appalling consequences of neoliberalism are exposed – 'no comment'!


Gavin Barwell, chief of staff to Theresa May, refused to answer the questions of a BBC reporter about a review of building regulations following the fire at Grenfell Tower. Mr Barwell was the housing minister from July 2016 to June 2017.


Looks like Gavin Barwell,chief of staff to Theresa May,so being paid out of the public purse,refuses to be answerable to the public about his incompetence.Why doesn't May make him head of the 'Taskforce' she is sending there and get him on site to supervise it?,he knows all the answers because he's had the report in his office drawer for years and done sod all about it.

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Looks like Gavin Barwell,chief of staff to Theresa May,so being paid out of the public purse,refuses to be answerable to the public about his incompetence.Why doesn't May make him head of the 'Taskforce' she is sending there and get him on site to supervise it?,he knows all the answers because he's had the report in his office drawer for years and done sod all about it.




And interviewed on Radio 4's Today Programme this morning [see link below - 01:17:35 – 01:28:58] Damian Green, Secretary of State and Minister for the Cabinet Office since 11 June, predictably downplayed every aspect of the narrative put to him. The neoliberal spin begins!


In a truly shocking comment on David Cameron's gleeful and widely trumpeted bonfire of regulations, Green (a former head of the Health and Safety Executive) sought to suggested that health and safety issues were sometimes discussed in a 'slightly sneering way' [01:26:08].



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may not be any help but it damn well makes people feel better


on the net ive been feeling a bit of class anger slowly building after this, i think after years of apathy, people are now starting to get fed up with the status quo (no not them, ed) and the ruling elite.


Weve had around a decade of austerity cuts, low wages, everything else rising, services being cut. Do you really think the rich have been having austerity cuts and low wages?

Theyve been raking it in off the backs of the masses, now people are getting peed off with it. These deaths maybe the start of it. People are angry.


The best people have been doing is fighting against one another for the crumbs, what with UKIP, the EU, Immigration, Refugees, Terrorism.


Its a class war not a race war.


Well,this is it,it's when the rhetoric about Corbyn and the nuclear button,he's not a patriot because he doesn't believe in Britain,it's all the Lefties fault,and the EU of course,strong and steady leadership and who would you rather have, becomes redundant.People want answers to actual events,government figures to be accountable to them,responsibilty to be taken and not avoided.........chickens are coming home to roost in a big way now,this government has been in power for too long to not come up with what is required at the moment,the blame game is not enough,not from the people in power or their sycophantic media friends.

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Well,this is it,it's when the rhetoric about Corbyn and the nuclear button,he's not a patriot because he doesn't believe in Britain,it's all the Lefties fault,and the EU of course,strong and steady leadership and who would you rather have, becomes redundant.People want answers to actual events,government figures to be accountable to them,responsibilty to be taken and not avoided.........chickens are coming home to roost in a big way now,this government has been in power for too long to not come up with what is required at the moment,the blame game is not enough,not from the people in power or their sycophantic media friends.

yeah, i read something about Mays chief of staff Gavin Barwell the other day, and while he was minister of housing and planning.

And during that time there was a purge on building regulations. Apparently to put one in place you had to get rid of three?? erm excuse me? arent they there to protect helpless people from unscrupulous builders and landlords? you cant just willy nilly get rid, surely it depends on the regulation if its safe to do so??


again the rich and the tory government helping line the pockets of the wealthy, just like trump is doing in the US, helping business by dismantling things, well thats ok until it goes tits up. Life is more important than money.


Same with EU laws, people focus on the daft ones like bendy bananas but theres a lot of laws that protect us from unscrupolous businesses and people.

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