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Towering inferno in London

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That's your opinion,not mine,I wrote what I thought of her,and her piece,and similar attitudes on events in the past,you think what you want.


But I'm quite sure you would describe her as that. Some of my views are right of centre and I resent every crappy comment being broadly attributed to the right. If someone says something ****ty, then call them out for saying something ****ty not everyone else who may share some other over lapping views.


---------- Post added 17-06-2017 at 20:21 ----------


I would suggest that there are a number of right wing types:


First, the very wealthy individual in a position to benefit from conservative policy, amounting to perhaps less than 10% of the electorate. Being in such a position is not sufficient however - there also has to be a high level of selfishness or indifference to the needs of others in this stance, perhaps carefully conditioned by privileged family and environment. We might call such people the natural or rational tories.


Next there is the well meaning but politically naive conservative, perhaps inspired by notions such history and tradition, or adhering to long-established family habits. Generally such people tend not appreciate and have never been helped to discern that their party of choice has moved away from traditional conservative values to a new and rapacious species of politics. Such a person could be reasonably characterised as the innocent or misguided tory.


Then there is the low income tory supporter, generally confused by politics, prey to media propaganda to vote entirely against their interests and unable to understand how they are being duped by sophisticated, cynical operators.


I would not pretend that this list is exhaustive, I'm sure there are many nuances and additional motivations. For example, I'm sure that some people vote against family traditions just to irritate their relatives. Other folk might make efforts to understand politics but find it hard to make sense of such an endeavour given the paucity of meaningful information available and the determined withholding of education on the subject...


So, to review,


1. Mean and rich

2. Thick and patriotic

3. Thick and poor.



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But I'm quite sure you would describe her as that. Some of my views are right of centre and I resent every crappy comment being broadly attributed to the right. If someone says something ****ty, then call them out for saying something ****ty not everyone else who may share some other over lapping views.


That's the reputation they have built up as far as I'm concerned,I never mentioned you,so grow a thicker skin and ignore it,the Right are never shy of lumping in everybody who thinks different to them as Lefties,or tree huggers,doesn't bother me,and it doesn't bother me what you resent,I'm not writing to please you.

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I would suggest that there are a number of right wing types:


First, the very wealthy individual in a position to benefit from conservative policy, amounting to perhaps less than 10% of the electorate. Being in such a position is not sufficient however - there also has to be a high level of selfishness or indifference to the needs of others in this stance, perhaps carefully conditioned by privileged family and environment. We might call such people the natural or rational tories.


Next there is the well meaning but politically naive conservative, perhaps inspired by notions such history and tradition, or adhering to long-established family habits. Generally such people tend not appreciate and have never been helped to discern that their party of choice has moved away from traditional conservative values to a new and rapacious species of politics. Such a person could be reasonably characterised as the innocent or misguided tory.


Then there is the low income tory supporter, generally confused by politics, prey to media propaganda to vote entirely against their interests and unable to understand how they are being duped by sophisticated, cynical operators.


I would not pretend that this list is exhaustive, I'm sure there are many nuances and additional motivations. For example, I'm sure that some people vote against family traditions just to irritate their relatives. Other folk might make efforts to understand politics but find it hard to make sense of such an endeavour given the paucity of meaningful information available and the determined withholding of education on the subject...


Could you give a list of the left wing type for fairness ? because im am probably classed as right wingish and don't see a description of me , so maybe I could be a left wing Type

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But I'm quite sure you would describe her as that. Some of my views are right of centre and I resent every crappy comment being broadly attributed to the righ[/b]t. If someone says something ****ty, then call them out for saying something ****ty not everyone else who may share some other over lapping views.


---------- Post added 17-06-2017 at 20:21 ----------



So, to review,


1. Mean and rich

2. Thick and patriotic

3. Thick and poor.




You're feeling the force tinfioil, dismiss the dark side; the fear, anger, hatred and aggression. Follow Corbyn and the light side of the Force.:D

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Not all Tories are bad. They have many excellent, thoughtful and socially aware MPs and councillors up and down the country.


But the higher levels of the party is in hock to a media and corporate cabal of billionaires, driven by an ideology that I'd say is deeply at odds with British life.


We need a change and we need it quick.

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That's the reputation they have built up as far as I'm concerned,I never mentioned you,so grow a thicker skin and ignore it,the Right are never shy of lumping in everybody who thinks different to them as Lefties,or tree huggers,doesn't bother me,and it doesn't bother me what you resent,I'm not writing to please you.


You've just lumped me together, the left is as bad as the right in that regard. Don't like someone? Slag them off.


---------- Post added 17-06-2017 at 20:43 ----------


Not all Tories are bad. They have many excellent, thoughtful and socially aware MPs and councillors up and down the country.


But the higher levels of the party is in hock to a media and corporate cabal of billionaires, driven by an ideology that I'd say is deeply at odds with British life.


We need a change and we need it quick.


Funnily enough the higher levels are driven by an indeology at odds with their own grass roots.

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Not all Tories are bad. They have many excellent, thoughtful and socially aware MPs and councillors up and down the country.


But the higher levels of the party is in hock to a media and corporate cabal of billionaires, driven by an ideology that I'd say is deeply at odds with British life.


We need a change and we need it quick.


Very true, the excellent links that sibon posted proves that some Tories have a conscience.

Edited by JNewton69
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Doesn't this issue transcend right and left though? Surely it's down to who is responsible and at fault and who are victims of this - and not just Grenfell tower. There will be a lot of people in high rises wondering if they're going to sleep in a tinderbox or not, and that could be any council, anywhere.


There are a lot of people who need to held to account, and there are too many from both sides trying to make political capital out of it. **** heads all.

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Doesn't this issue transcend right and left though? Surely it's down to who is responsible and at fault and who are victims of this - and not just Grenfell tower. There will be a lot of people in high rises wondering if they're going to sleep in a tinderbox or not, and that could be any council, anywhere.


There are a lot of people who need to held to account, and there are too many from both sides trying to make political capital out of it. **** heads all.


Yes it does. It's a political problem that as we will see is going to cause problems for


1. The Tories as the current government

2. The LibDems who as coalition partners were complicit in removal of regulation

3. Labour for their role in previous governments

4. Every flavour of council you can think of in every part of the country for the last 20 years: SNP, Labour, Tory, LibDem.....you name it


Every party is bricking it and this is going to dominate for years


Some reports on the ground suggest hundreds of dead

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