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Towering inferno in London

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I see where amnesty if to be given to anyone who was acting illegally by sub-letting flats at Grenfell. Double edged sword - this way there's some chance of finding out who have lost their lives, but condoning what was illegal in order to do so. Like everyone, I have found this so distressing and also the aftermath of continuing chaos. I feel so genuinely sorry for everyone affected. And how horrible to never know if your relative, friend died there. And no-one, whoever they were, deserved such an end. But it worries me that it was known that this was happening but nothing was done about it. So no-one knew who and how many lived there; whether they should even have been in this country. And how many similar circumstances in other developments? And how much possible overcrowding, adding to the numbers of, and making it even more difficult, to escape. Your thoughts?


Just shows we don't have clue who's in our country.

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I see where amnesty if to be given to anyone who was acting illegally by sub-letting flats at Grenfell. Double edged sword - this way there's some chance of finding out who have lost their lives, but condoning what was illegal in order to do so. Like everyone, I have found this so distressing and also the aftermath of continuing chaos. I feel so genuinely sorry for everyone affected. And how horrible to never know if your relative, friend died there. And no-one, whoever they were, deserved such an end. But it worries me that it was known that this was happening but nothing was done about it. So no-one knew who and how many lived there; whether they should even have been in this country. And how many similar circumstances in other developments? And how much possible overcrowding, adding to the numbers of, and making it even more difficult, to escape. Your thoughts?

I don't have a problem with the amnesty under the circumstances. The problem is that those guilty of sub-letting most likely don't know how many people were living in the flats they were responsible for. It has been well known for many years that many council owned properties in London have been sub-let. It happens in the desirable areas as well as the poor properties.

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I don't have a problem with the amnesty under the circumstances. The problem is that those guilty of sub-letting most likely don't know how many people were living in the flats they were responsible for. It has been well known for many years that many council owned properties in London have been sub-let. It happens in the desirable areas as well as the poor properties.


Most of the properties whats been offered have been turned down as they are not big enough.Surely they should be offered the same size at the worst.

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In serious cases like this one, dont we usually read about arrests or the police seizing relevant documents?

Has there been a statement from the investigation team, will it be a cover-up, like Hillsboro?

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In serious cases like this one, dont we usually read about arrests or the police seizing relevant documents?

Has there been a statement from the investigation team, will it be a cover-up, like Hillsboro?


There will be a small blame on numerous people so in the end no one will get hung.

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There will be a small blame on numerous people so in the end no one will get hung.

i did read this morning that a couple of renovation firms were being investigated, one for fraud, but i cant find the story now lol

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Most of the properties whats been offered have been turned down as they are not big enough.Surely they should be offered the same size at the worst.


not big enough??? where are they supposed to magic up these perfect properties from?? i reckon most are happy to stay in the hotels which has got to be better than the multi occupancy illegally sub let flats? until things are sorted out anything is better than nothing surely?

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