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Towering inferno in London

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Any property in London that they are housed in will be worth buying. As council tenants they have the 'right to buy' - They will enjoy a nice percentage reduction too on the market value no doubt.

Q:were all the block's occupants Secure Tenants? The law would be different for those who had leaseholds following RTB.

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Next time this degenerates into an off topic slanging match I will be suspending accounts.

Hope that's nice and clear because there will be no further warnings

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  • 2 months later...

This will go on until the largest group get the results they want,it will be money wasted as no one will be prosecuted.

Saw on BBC news last night only 3 have been rehoused,please tell us why only 3 because that's a disgrace.

Edited by ukdobby
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This will go on until the largest group get the results they want,it will be money wasted as no one will be prosecuted.

Saw on BBC news last night only 3 have been refocused,please tell us why only 3 because that's a disgrace.


Only three what have been refocused?

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This will go on until the largest group get the results they want,it will be money wasted as no one will be prosecuted.

Saw on BBC news last night only 3 have been rehoused,please tell us why only 3 because that's a disgrace.


Not sure that ultimately prosecution can be avoided in this case, or at the very least some serious reputational damage for some companies, public bodies and individuals, and it should result in a substantial overhaul of regs and laws. This isn't like Hillsborough - because of the internet so much information is in the public domain already and much of it is damning.


Let's see what the inquiry brings. The families involved are behaving with real dignity and their (qualified) support deserves the right result. Obviously any hint of cover-ups or undue protection for those ultimately responsible and this thing will really grow and it'll rumble on for years.


Get the job done right and fairly first time.

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First day of the enquiry and already some people not happy . This one will go on longer Hillsborough and will still not satisfy everybody


If the survivors and relatives of the deceased haven't been living in a bubble for years they will have seen Hillsborough (criminal prosecutions only being brought decades after the event), and Rotherham (no actions being taken against the people who looked the other way as all those girls were abused) and will know exactly how things are done in this country. They will have to fight with everything they have for years and years to get anything approaching justice.

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