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Towering inferno in London

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Yes , now they haven't got to take a flat , now they can stick it out for a house . Cant blame them for playing the system




Sit in a flammable tower block. Nearly die. Hold out for a cottage with roses round the door.


It is a well worn path.


Do you vote Tory, by any chance? Or maybe you are the last Kipper on the block.

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Link is from last year but gives the reasons:


Five reasons why Grenfell residents have yet to be rehoused



The last sentence is quite interesting:


"It's not that they won't be paying more than they were in Grenfell Tower. Grenfell Tower only had one and two-bedroom flats, and we do know that there were issues with over-occupancy.
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Sit in a flammable tower block. Nearly die. Hold out for a cottage with roses round the door.


It is a well worn path.


Do you vote Tory, by any chance? Or maybe you are the last Kipper on the block.

nope hes not the kipper, hes a tory :thumbsup:

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Are you denying that Cameron proposed a "bonfire of regulations"?


Are you denying that there will be no ban on combustable cladding around buildings?


And I'll just leave this here as well


The government hadn’t scrapped regulations regarding cladding. Despite there being a system in place, there was an uncontrollable fire. So either the building regs are not suitable, or people are purposely flouting them, or people are inadvertently not complying, a combination of these, or a possible host of other reasons. But it is clear that just saying “cladding must not be flammable” will not solve the problem, or we wouldn’t have had such a fire in the first place.


I watched the chair of the Hackett Report (don’t know her full title) being interviewed on TV. She seemed to talk a lot of sense, calling for a complete change in attitude, and being very scathing of the construction industry in general.


Some industries take a positive attitude to safety. For example, flying is often put forward as the sort of industry where people work openly to improve safety. She comes from a Chemical Engineering background, which she clearly believes has a better attitude than what she has now encountered regarding building/construction.

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I can understand the pressure to ban a specific class of product but that isnt the whole story. There are probably numerous other products in use that endanger life if not installed correctly.


Which brings us back to the need for a root and branch overhaul of the regulations. Hackett has got this right, because without a complete change in attitudes to safety, bad installations will continue to happen.


Obviously there should be no way now that a new tower would be clad in flammable panels. Any developer that did that would be insane: private sector developments for example would not be saleable if they did.

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Obviously there should be no way now that a new tower would be clad in flammable panels. Any developer that did that would be insane: private sector developments for example would not be saleable if they did.


The panels were made from a good insulator, which is also flammable - but I understand they were covered in aluminum. This covering needs to be more robust.


We have many sofas made from flammable material, but the same principle is applied, they are made safe by a covering or treatment.

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