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The simple pleasures of life

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Sometimes life gets too much for people and we all need to just ‘let off some fresh air’. What are people’s favourite things to do in these sorts of situations? You know, those times when life’s struggles and battles and wars just get all on top of you and you just need a ‘breath of steam’ as they say? I like these things:


• Walking in the woods smoking roll ups

• Remembering my past happiness (distant childhood)

• Pretending I’m rich and retreating into a fantasy world for a while

• Imagining getting revenge on those people what have upset me

• Cooking and zoning out (cous cous, Pot Noodles, ready meals etc)

What are your simple pleasures in life what you must not overlook?

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Welcome back. Too many sensible political threads on here these days.


Thank you Sergeant. I do take an interest in all this politics that has been happening of late especially if this mob of Northern Irish homer phobes seize power or whatever is happening but there are times when we all need to just relax and zone out in life. I guess we just need to make sure that there is nothing in our heads. Nothing going on in our heads at all and that's why I want to know how people do it.

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Haven't done much for a while now but saddling up on two wheels and just riding gives a huge amount of pleasure. It's a freedom that is hard to beat.

I enjoy walking the dogs, not always strictly true but I enjoy that they enjoy it. Couldn't live without music.

Love the missus more than I ever convey and just being with her is good. Warm days and real ale.

Coming home and getting mobbed by the aforementioned dogs is a joy. There's probably more things if I really put my mind to it but these are certainly the tops for me .

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Getting into a bed with fresh clean sheets, cotton in summer, winceyette and a hot water bottle in winter. Lovely.


A good film and a takaway always takes my mind off things.


Sitting in the garden with a cup of tea on a warm sunny day.

Edited by Anna B
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- Having a sit down after I've cleaned the flat top to bottom


- A bag of chips after the pub


- First cup of tea & cigarette of the day


- The sight & smell of Cherry Blossom in full bloom


- A nice clean wet shave after putting up with stubble


- getting into a bed with freshly laundered sheets


- tucking into a home made stew on a cold winters night.


- Hearing juicy gossip at work.


---------- Post added 14-06-2017 at 16:19 ----------


Sometimes life gets too much for people and we all need to just ‘let off some fresh air’. What are people’s favourite things to do in these sorts of situations? You know, those times when life’s struggles and battles and wars just get all on top of you and you just need a ‘breath of steam’ as they say? I like these things:


• Walking in the woods smoking roll ups

• Remembering my past happiness (distant childhood)

Pretending I’m rich and retreating into a fantasy world for a while

• Imagining getting revenge on those people what have upset me

• Cooking and zoning out (cous cous, Pot Noodles, ready meals etc)

What are your simple pleasures in life what you must not overlook?


I think there are quite a few posters who live out their fantasies about being wealthy on here!

Edited by Mister M
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Sitting in my garden, in the sun with a coffee.


Reading an engrossing book, that is my favourite escapism.


Book a last minute holiday and sit on the beach listening to the waves.


In winter I like to get my blanket on the sofa and binge watch boxsets.

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Just walked to the top of Stocksbridge Moor. Saw Emley Moor, Drax, St Pauls Tower and Norton Water Tower all virtually within one go, but the best bit was being 6 foot from swifts flying 6in off the ground catching insects and a kestrel hovering in flight. It was heap good medicine and didn't cost a penny.

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Removing earwax with nothing more complicated than an electrical screwdriver (flat-head) and a length of bog roll (unused),


Collecting hydrogen (as a by-product of electrolysis) in old ('I can't believe it's not butter') margarine tubs, hopefully collecting enough to inflate my own zeppelin someday. If anyone reading has some large aluminium metal hoops (50 foot diameter would be ideal) and a gondola (not Venetian), I could well be interested.


Combining both of the above and removing nasal hair through electrolysis, although very little hydrogen is produced in this procedure which is a bit of a downer. Both nostrils can be done at the same time using a two-pronged tuning fork and a 12volt car battery! Elastoplasts are essential equipment for this kind of undertaking.

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I can't compete with Alco for originality!


My simple pleasures include

  • Getting my head into a good book
  • Sitting in my garden with said good book and a drink
  • Sitting in the Walled Garden with a book I've picked up in the library
  • Clean sheets
  • Spending time with my grandchildren
  • Relaxing in the evenings with my OH, especially if there's something on tv we both like.
  • Salted caramel icecream ☺️

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