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The simple pleasures of life

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I have no problem with the electric scissors *_ash_* (just used 'em for your username), I just need how to do things. How do you do the (little, I'll grant you that) smiley face? I NEED to know NOW or I won't be able to sleep tonight. I'm not an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters here. I can't just sit here with my left hand on the Alt button, whilst my right types in every conceivable combination of numbers in the entire universe can I?


I sincerely hope Ms Macbeth comes to my assistance pronto. Calling Ms Macbeth, calling Ms Macbeth, do you read? … come in please …


I just clicked on it on my Ipad. I'm on the PC now, and the smileys are quite different here :confused:they show up normal size.

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Well, you people seem to have gotten into a bit of an internecine struggle (as they say!) about emojis and scissors and all that. I hope I'm not blamed for this cos all I wanted to do was a nice thread about the good things in life what make us all smile. Actually looking at some of the answers made me feel really good because there are a lot of brilliant simple pleasures in life and it’s just important to remember these things. Mind you, I was doing my bicycling home on Wednesday with my friend Stephen after work and we thought we’d try and get into that ‘blank mind mode’ to make our journey go faster. I drifted into my special fantasy world and Stephen listened to his whale and dolphin sounds album on ipod. Bad ideas all round. Lost control, hit a wall (but we’re alright!). Definitely a time and a place for zoning out. Next time I’ll do it when am at work and see if it helps.

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walking past an infants/ junior school at breaktime and hearing the laughing , shouting and screaming of kids who haven't got a worry in the world . Its beautiful
..........when I was at school the shouting and screaming bit was me being caned!
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Any form of exercise, lots and lots, done Yoga recently perfect complement to my boundless energy


Like books, varied but not into novels


Quite like manual work, weirdly relaxing, for me anyway


Spending time with grandchildren


---------- Post added 16-06-2017 at 10:06 ----------


walking past an infants/ junior school at breaktime and hearing the laughing , shouting and screaming of kids who haven't got a worry in the world . Its beautiful



This as well

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Help with what? I don't do nostril hair removal as a rule :D


your very helpful, and you do seem to get a lot of commendations, not bad for a "raging leftie" . so one of my pleasures is reading your very well thought out, polite, and humorous posts.

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Another one I really like is getting a bunch of friends round Stephen's house, getting 3 big bags of Doritos and 'spiking' one of the bags with loads of cayenne pepper and paprika. We then force Daniel to eat the spiked bag as fast as we can! You should see it man!!! After he's got a bit better we put on music such as Scooter, Snap, Culture Beat and Ed Shear 'Un and we just throw us selfs around his Mum's living room and jump on the sofas for ages until we're all out of energy. It's good cos it's getting exercise but also having lots of fun with friends (bonding).

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