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The simple pleasures of life

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Another one I really like is getting a bunch of friends round Stephen's house, getting 3 big bags of Doritos and 'spiking' one of the bags with loads of cayenne pepper and paprika. We then force Daniel to eat the spiked bag as fast as we can! You should see it man!!! After he's got a bit better we put on music such as Scooter, Snap, Culture Beat and Ed Shear 'Un and we just throw us selfs around his Mum's living room and jump on the sofas for ages until we're all out of energy. It's good cos it's getting exercise but also having lots of fun with friends (bonding).


:huh: just wondered how old you are? :hihi:

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:huh: just wondered how old you are? :hihi:


The thing is (and I think one of them philosophers from olden days said this) is that "you are only as old as you want". Probably someone with more brains than me will know who said it. Only philosophers I know are Carl Marks and Harry Stottle. Having said that, Stephen is the oldest of our group and sometimes I think he's a bit immature with the things he does (phoning pizza shops and ordering loads of MEATFEAST to go to Daniel's house and saying he'll pay when it arrives was a bit childish and I told him so too!).

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Just walked to the top of Stocksbridge Moor. Saw Emley Moor, Drax, St Pauls Tower and Norton Water Tower all virtually within one go, but the best bit was being 6 foot from swifts flying 6in off the ground catching insects and a kestrel hovering in flight. It was heap good medicine and didn't cost a penny.


Love it up there myself :)


My favourite pleasure is the bubbling happy/excited feeling you get when you see your other half after a time apart (even after 10 years :love:), that makes your face crack into a huge grin.


Second is seeing my dog's happy face and wiggly bum when I get home from work.

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Listening to Frank Sinatra. :thumbsup:


Good choice Pat! I often wonder when will I get to sing 'My Way'? When do I get to feel like Sinatra felt? When do I get to sing 'My Way' in Heaven or Hell?


---------- Post added 19-06-2017 at 13:56 ----------


Love it up there myself :)


My favourite pleasure is the bubbling happy/excited feeling you get when you see your other half after a time apart (even after 10 years :love:), that makes your face crack into a huge grin.


I don't ever get that feeling exactly cos I don't have another half but in a way I completely get that feeling when I see a bird I fancy (like this lass at work or the one what works in one of the pubs me and Stephen go to).

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