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Corbyn, requisition empty investment flats

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This suggestion by Corbyn was so that children could still attend their local schools. Kensington is the richest borough in the country with thousands of empty investment flats.

Edited by poppet2
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I understand the thought behind what he is saying but it can't happen. You can't just take someone's property and do as you please with it, that's verging on a dictatorship. Hopefully the owners of these flats will voluntarily give them up to help.

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I understand the thought behind what he is saying but it can't happen. You can't just take someone's property and do as you please with it, that's verging on a dictatorship. Hopefully the owners of these flats will voluntarily give them up to help.


Of course you can do it. We all have laws that mean we handover some of our wealth each month to the tax man. However, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. Even being a raging leftie I'm not comfortable with this idea. I think other laws should be brought in to massively discourage sitting on property waiting for it's value to rise, things like council tax bills double each year the property is left unoccupied.


However, there should be an emergency bill that allows for temporary usage of unoccupied properties in very specific circumstances such as when hundreds of people are displaced, who previously had a property, due to no fault of their own.

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I understand the thought behind what he is saying but it can't happen. You can't just take someone's property and do as you please with it, that's verging on a dictatorship. Hopefully the owners of these flats will voluntarily give them up to help.


It works both ways rich to poor, poor to rich.

When lots of money is cut from the poor so the rich can get a little richer is that no dictatorship then?


Are you just expressing some silly hope that upper class will allow these lower class people to stay in their moneypots or do you really believe that could happen?

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So he said, 'properties must be found, requisitioned IF NECESSARY, to allow these people to stay locally.' The IF NECESSARY part is quite key here as he's not saying let's takeover the rich homes unless other options have been exhausted, therefore I'd say it's very much a case that if the unoccupied flat owners want some say in who moves into their flat that they make the offer first...rather clever from Corbyn really.

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Instead of taking someones empty flat why not just put an extra tax on properties that are unoccupied for a large percentage of time??


That would also solve issues in coastal areas where rich city folk buy up property to use as occasional holiday homes.

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