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Corbyn, requisition empty investment flats

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Well Parliament will soon be in recess till the 5th of September so maybe some of those 650 MP's could give up the second homes in London and let them be loaned out to these homeless people for a while. Perhaps the ones already empty could also be made available.


That should start with Jeremy and the rest of the Labour party first as it was his idea.

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Well Parliament will soon be in recess till the 5th of September so maybe some of those 650 MP's could give up the second homes in London and let them be loaned out to these homeless people for a while. Perhaps the ones already empty could also be made available.


That should start with Jeremy and the rest of the Labour party first as it was his idea.


now , that's a well thought out plan

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Guest sibon

The Chief Execs of the London Housing Associations met on Thursday and identified enough properties in London to rehouse everyone who needs it. The properties were offered to the Government as a possible solution.


As far as I know, this offer hasn't been taken up yet. I assume that it is politically unacceptabe to move people out of the borough. That said, the Government must be pretty certain that they can rehouse everyone locally as they turned down such a simple solution.


It will be interesting to see what they do next.

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There's almost 1,400 empty properties in the borough. Nobody has to move out.



they were talking about requisitioning houses with 1 person living in them in their post ( 118 ) .


I don't see what wrong with a hotel till some suitable accommodation is found without requisitioning peoples houses.

Edited by dangerousedd
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does that include their personal property in the requisitioned houses too or will you be nice and give them half an hour to move out?


Oh no, present occupier can stay too.


I seem to recall someone on here said personal property is theft.


Sheffield housing officers, when moving tenants from one property to another, used the term (or still do) "decanting".

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As far as I know, this offer hasn't been taken up yet. I assume that it is politically unacceptabe to move people out of the borough. T


If they did that I'd hazard a guess that some people would complain and say it was the start of a form of "social clensing"

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