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Corbyn, requisition empty investment flats

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Well Parliament will soon be in recess till the 5th of September so maybe some of those 650 MP's could give up the second homes in London and let them be loaned out to these homeless people for a while. Perhaps the ones already empty could also be made available.


That should start with Jeremy and the rest of the Labour party first as it was his idea.



Please remind me. Where is JC's first and second home?

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It looks like Corbyn has got a Tory government to take housing from rich people and give it to poor people. If that's not leadership, I don't know what is.

It's certainly not "requisitioning". Nobody was yet living there; these were nobody's investment properties (esp. not 'rich people'!)


The block was built for social housing, and a market price will have been paid (less bulk discount?)

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I understand the thought behind what he is saying but it can't happen. You can't just take someone's property and do as you please with it, that's verging on a dictatorship. Hopefully the owners of these flats will voluntarily give them up to help.


Bang goes HS2 then.

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