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Corbyn, requisition empty investment flats

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So what. Do it and get these people housed in their own borough.


This is a national disaster so just get it done already.


---------- Post added 16-06-2017 at 17:58 ----------



Utter rot.


120 residences purchased would not cause corporation tax to have to be raised.


Do you know the market value of a flat in Kensington? It is just under £1.3m so 120 of them is still a significant amount of money (£156m), unless you mean move them to a cheaper area.

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In 2012, 335 MP's had second homes in London paid for by the state. These homes can be used to house the Grenfell homeless before anyone steals anything from anyone who's paid for something with their own money. The MP's will be OK to stay in a hotel for the 158 days a year they need to be in London.


Not really.


Compulsory purchase order. Job done.


Try again. It takes about 2 years.

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Do you know the market value of a flat in Kensington? It is just under £1.3m so 120 of them is still a significant amount of money (£156m), unless you mean move them to a cheaper area.


So what. Spend it.


---------- Post added 16-06-2017 at 18:09 ----------


In 2012, 335 MP's had second homes in London paid for by the state. These homes can be used to house the Grenfell homeless before anyone steals anything from anyone who's paid for something with their own money. The MP's will be OK to stay in a hotel for the 158 days a year they need to be in London.




Try again. It takes about 2 years.


Doesn't have to.

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Doesn't have to.


Good luck with that. If you really care you can get your credit card and reserve some rooms for homeless people tonight on booking.com. The MP's can give up their London homes tonight too. None of you will though because the world is full of hypocrites.

Edited by ENG601PM
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Good luck with that. If you really care you can get your credit card and reserve some rooms for homeless people tonight on booking.com. The MP's can give up their London homes tonight too. None of you will though because the world is full of hypocrites.


So if I don't use my credit card to book some rooms I don't care?




---------- Post added 16-06-2017 at 18:19 ----------


I don't actually disagree but doubt it's that simple, are there 120 properties available?


Highlights the need for a proper housing policy.


Agree about the housing policy argument. This has brought it into stark focus.

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The victims and people of Kensington are very hurt, and now becoming very very angry. They've tried to storm the council offices, and Theresa May needed a significant number of bodyguards to get through the crowds.


Feelings are running very high. This could turn even more nasty.

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We live in a country with Dictators anyway. LOL

The aristocracy and monarchy dictate to us.

Their ancestors stole and took land and homes from our poor working classes over hundreds of years.

Plenty of rooms empty in Buckingham and Kensington palaces as well as the grand houses such as Chatsworth, hundreds of em, I wonder if our Royalty and landed gentry are considering making an offer.

As an aside to this why is there such a shortage of safe low rise housing a situation that means people still have to crammed into these sixty's built high rises .

Edited by samssong
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That isn't what is being proposed by anyone. What is being considered is temporarily housing people made homeless after the fire in some of the vacant apartments and houses in the Kensington area. Noone is stealing a property or claiming it for the state in some triumphant resurgence of communism. What they are saying is that we have empty properties, lots of people who have suffered terribly, let's put those properties to use for a short period of time as respite homes. I actually struggle to see what is wrong with this approach as long as any reasonable costs to the property owners are met and any damage done to buildings is repaired fully.


However, I do agree with other posters on here that the way to deal with the issue is to make property speculation absolutely pointless by making it impossible to make profit off the value of a second home. Rental income can stay as it is, but all capital gains are taxed at 100% for your second property.


What happens to the landlord's income from the property's inflation value? How is he supposed to pay the mortgage he has taken out on the house? Since we all want to help, why can't the houses/flats be purchased by the state, not just stolen?

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