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Helmut Kohl has died

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Guest sibon

That's sad.


Many years ago, I was on the Charles Bridge in Prague when an almighty kerfuffle ensued. It turned out to be Helmut Kohl and his security team having a stroll around Prague taking a break from meeting Havel. He was absolutely huge. I did get some great photos though. I doubt that modern day leaders would wander around like that.


Kohl was one of a number of leaders who reshaped Europe for the better.

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He was an icon of my youth, a true statesman with a few hidden bodies in the cupboard. I think it was accounting related but I can't quite remember. What I do remember is that he was:

Herr Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor etc. Helmut Kohl
after the unification he received truckloads of honorary doctorates you see, but by the time it was my University's turn to shower him with an honorary doctorate (and a lot of money for a guest lecture) the German press had uncovered dirt.


Mind you, he genuinely was one of the pivotal figures in post-WW2 Europe and his loss does sadden me.

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German TV is reporting that Helmut Kohl has died. The man who helped usher in the Euro and more importantly unify Germany. Very much an older statesmen there is a real shock at his death it seems.



He was 87 :confused:

Why would anyone be shocked ? Sad that anyone has died but not a shock at 87 surely ?

Edited by Daven
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this man really made ordinary right-conservative politics in Germany and Europe seem normal. Thatcher didn't like him all that much but then she wasn't an ordinary right-conservative like Kohl was.

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