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Fed up of selfish people having fires

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Well mr fire lighter as done it again give yourself a big pat on the back fire was lit again how much rubbish dose this guy have to burn that's four days in a row going to council tomorrow this is takein the mick bet if my dog messed out side his house every day he would have something to say


If it really bothers you continuously and you are seriously inconvenienced.

Write the neighbour a letter explaining your problem, the smoky laundry, expenses of washing them again including a little charge for the extra labour. The fact you had to keep windows closed on the extremely hot days and make a sobbing story of sweating fainting in the heat in your house etc.

Then ask for a little bit of compensation on top of the laundry expenses, stay reasonable somewhere around £60 for the four days, mention that if he wont pay you take it to small claims court.


I have taken old neighbours to court before, it works as long as you are being reasonable and realistic.

You have to give them a chance to stop before you could claim anything, only if they continue you can go to court and increase the claim as it happens more often.

Edited by dutch
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Fed up with boom boom music, chainsaws, swearing, shouting chavs smoking weed.


They need to get a different supplier, they wouldn't be interested in shouting if they'd got the good stuff.


Not got a clue wat they burning would love to know tho as it smells awful


I was about to ask the same thing. I've never felt the need to burn anything in my life other than to have a BBQ so it would be useful to know.


If it really bothers you continuously and you are seriously inconvenienced.

Write the neighbour a letter explaining your problem, the smoky laundry, expenses of washing them again including a little charge for the extra labour. The fact you had to keep windows closed on the extremely hot days and make a sobbing story of sweating fainting in the heat in your house etc.

Then ask for a little bit of compensation on top of the laundry expenses, stay reasonable somewhere around £60 for the four days, mention that if he wont pay you take it to small claims court.


I have taken old neighbours to court before, it works as long as you are being reasonable and realistic.

You have to give them a chance to stop before you could claim anything, only if they continue you can go to court and increase the claim as it happens more often.


Not sure that leads to peace and harmony, I'd start with a chat.

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There are no times for garden bonfires, they are only allowed if you are not causing a nuisance to neighbours, which for most people in Sheffield isn't possible, unless you live on a farm or a long way from other houses.


For some reason many people think they are allowed after 7pm which isn't the case.

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