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Air conditioning

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Can't have one unfortunately, seemingly you have to vent it outsite, generally through an open window with a sealing kit which means, to my wife, we will be overrun with hordes of burglars marching through the tiny little window we'd have to leave open, so we must suffer.


Drill a big hole in the wall and vent it that way.

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I have twelve air conditioning units at Area 51 and a Half™ … they're called 'windows'.


decided to use your (method) last night. bedroom door open, bedroom window open, bathroom window open. felt a lovely cooling air flow over me.

4 bottles of kronenbourg 1664 .660mls. 5% vol.and I'm dead to the world.

trouble is I had"ent bargained for all the unwanted bugs that decided to visit me, moths, daddy long legs, midges, flys, and I suspect mosquitos. woke up this morning covered in insect bites. that's another fine mess you"ve got me into. think I"ll stick with the stiff neck and use air conditioning units.(proper ones) :mad:

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