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Van mows down pedestrians near London mosque

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Retaliation, escalation call it what you like, is what the authorities have been trying to prevent; but now it's happened.


Scary times. When I was a lad growing up, if anyone had predicted stuff like this would happen they'd have been laughed at. But here we are. It has to be stopped before it gets worse but how?


Where did you grow up? The IRA attacked Britain weekly pretty much for years.

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I find it really odd that some people seem to be deriving pleasure from last nights attack, a sort of villification of recent actions by Islamic extremists.


I ask these people one question - would last nights horrific and cowardly act have happened if it wasn't for the latest Islamic terror acts?

You are correct, it would not have happened if the recent Islamic terror acts had not happened in England. This cowardly attack wasn't a terror attack. It was a hate crime, brought about by Islamic hate delivered by extremists and those who have been brainwashed. The coward who carried out what appears to be an unjustified revenge hate crime, should be hung.


I am sick and tired of hearing about Muslims and the trouble their religion has brought to our Country. I am sick and tired of people making excuses for the problem.The Muslim population in England has doubled in just ten years. There is link to Islamic terror attacks and their behaviour in relation to their population size.

Peter Hammond wrote a book called Slavery, Terrorism and Islam (2005) a extract here ..


"As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens."



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You are correct, it would not have happened if the recent Islamic terror acts had not happened in England. This cowardly attack wasn't a terror attack. It was a hate crime, brought about by Islamic hate delivered by extremists and those who have been brainwashed. The coward who carried out what appears to be an unjustified revenge hate crime, should be hung.


I am sick and tired of hearing about Muslims and the trouble their religion has brought to our Country. I am sick and tired of people making excuses for the problem.The Muslim population in England has doubled in just ten years. There is link to Islamic terror attacks and their behaviour in relation to their population size.

Peter Hammond wrote a book called Slavery, Terrorism and Islam (2005) a extract here ..


"As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens."




Good post, the sooner some people are brave enough to admit this we may start seeing a solution of sorts, more likely you'll be accused of being racist though.

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Not arguing with your intended content, but this bit may contain an inaccuracy according to the BBC.



Sadly, the old guy that was receiving first aid before the attack hit, has died, but it is not yet known whether it was as a result of the attack.

I am not aware of any other deaths.


Thanks cgk, I've crossed out that possible inaccuracy.

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You are correct, it would not have happened if the recent Islamic terror acts had not happened in England. This cowardly attack wasn't a terror attack. It was a hate crime, brought about by Islamic hate delivered by extremists and those who have been brainwashed. The coward who carried out what appears to be an unjustified revenge hate crime, should be hung.


I am sick and tired of hearing about Muslims and the trouble their religion has brought to our Country. I am sick and tired of people making excuses for the problem.The Muslim population in England has doubled in just ten years. There is link to Islamic terror attacks and their behaviour in relation to their population size.

Peter Hammond wrote a book called Slavery, Terrorism and Islam (2005) a extract here ..


"As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens."




And right on cue the islamaphobic troll brings out exactly what Theresa may said yesterday we should no longer tolerate, just like Islamist ideology, it's thinking like that that's part of the problem, demonizing the whole of the religion, and all Muslims yet again

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And right on cue the islamaphobic troll brings out exactly what Theresa may said yesterday we should no longer tolerate, just like Islamist ideology, it's thinking like that that's part of the problem, demonizing the whole of the religion, and all Muslims yet again

I said the person who drove the van at Muslims should be hung and that makes me an Islamaphobic troll does it? We are leaving the EU, which means we can bring back the death penalty as punishment for offences such as those who commit hate crimes against the Muslim community. I am in favour of positive discrimination and would publicly hang people like the white man, who drove the van at the Muslims yesterday morning.


Anyone who reads the article I posted a link to and doesn't see what the author wrote is true, is sweeping the facts under the carpet and are part of the problem.

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And right on cue the islamaphobic troll brings out exactly what Theresa may said yesterday we should no longer tolerate, just like Islamist ideology, it's thinking like that that's part of the problem, demonizing the whole of the religion, and all Muslims yet again


The number of attacks is always going pull focus onto Islam. If we had Hindu, Jewish or Buddhist terrorist attacks, they would be receiving the same amount of scrutiny. Denying there is a problem is the majority of the issue especially in a religion that is not outward looking. There are places in the UK where non muslims have been intimidated to move out. Its not widespread but it only takes a small number of incidences for some people to react, to make judgments that are very hard to overcome.


There is also the issue of the influence of wahhabism in the UK and how this group has become the face of Islam. Of my Muslim friends, to them this is the problem and they deplore the actions of many within their religion.


---------- Post added 20-06-2017 at 11:14 ----------


I said the person who drove the van at Muslims should be hung and that makes me an Islamaphobic troll does it? We are leaving the EU, which means we can bring back the death penalty as punishment for offences such as those who commit hate crimes against the Muslim community. I am in favour of positive discrimination and would publicly hang people like the white man, who drove the van at the Muslims yesterday morning.


Anyone who reads the article I posted a link to and doesn't see what the author wrote is true, is sweeping the facts under the carpet and are part of the problem.


The Death Penalty was removed from UK law by a private members bill in 1965 before the UK joined the EEC.

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Good post, the sooner some people are brave enough to admit this we may start seeing a solution of sorts, more likely you'll be accused of being racist though.


Your mask has slipped. :rolleyes:

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And right on cue the islamaphobic troll brings out exactly what Theresa may said yesterday we should no longer tolerate, just like Islamist ideology, it's thinking like that that's part of the problem, demonizing the whole of the religion, and all Muslims yet again


Calling people 'Islamophobic' doesn't really wash any more Mel.

There must be some Islamic scriptures you don't agree with. Does that make you a Islamophobe ?

Islamophobic, Islamophobia there just over used words now that have no meaning (if they had a meaning in the first place)

'Racist' is another word that lost its meaning through being over used.

Just because people disagree with some teachings of Islam, it doesn't make them a Right-wing, Nazi, Islamophobic, Racist person - as some might suggest.

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And right on cue the islamaphobic troll brings out exactly what Theresa may said yesterday we should no longer tolerate, just like Islamist ideology, it's thinking like that that's part of the problem, demonizing the whole of the religion, and all Muslims yet again


Yep, demonising things wholesale doesn't help anyone...


Just like when any criticism of Islam (not matter how valid / justified) is branded 'Islamophobia' in an attempt to silence it. That's how 'Islamophobia' is used, it is a device that seeks to silence and ridicule *ALL* criticism of Islam.

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